The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Border- ing on a disgrace


The case of Mahdi Mohammed who has been jailed for sexually abusing young children is yet another example of this country being a soft touch for the undeservin­g.

Back in 2005 he was in court in Peterborou­gh for making lewd comments to children. Part of his mitigation was that he was a failed asylum seeker and was due to be deported.

He never was and he went on to commit horrible crimes against young girls.

The Border Agency tell us he was legally entitled to stay in the country.

What they haven’t told us is why that was so.

Was the court lied to back in 2005? Or perhaps Mahdi appealed and won?

The latter would seem unlikely as those making that decision would surely have been aware that Mohammed had been in court and was a threat to children.

Arrogantly, the Border Agency says it will not comment on why Mohammed was allowed to stay in the country. Why ever not? One hopes this is not someone covering their backside.

Our MPs have rightly condemned this state of affairs but they must follow this through and demand a proper answer.

As residents of this city we all deserve that, but none of us as much as the children and the parents who now have to live with the terrible consequenc­e of a shocking decision made by some faceless bureaucrat.

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