The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Island has cut crashes



A traffic island installed at an accident black spot has prevented any injuries occurring at the junction.

The new island was put in place at the junction between Staniland Way and David’s Lane in Werrington in May after councill0r­s complained about the large number of accidents and collisions which took place at the junction.

Councillor John Fox, who represents the Werrington north ward said: “There used to be two or three crashes on the junction every week.

“People would come off the parkway with their left indicator on, and it would not automatica­lly cancel.

“There were some very serious injuries caused by crashes at the junction. People would say there was not a death there, but people were seriously hurt.”

I n 2011 Sara Kerrison suffered severe nerve damage and needed surgery at Peterborou­gh City Hospital following a crash at the old junction. Mrs Kerrison backed calls for a roundabout following the collision.

Cllr Fox said the island had dramatical­ly reduced the number of crashes.

He said: “I have seen informatio­n that shows that since the island was built in May there has been no crashes that caused injury.

“Of course there will be one at some point, like there is at every junction, but the number of crashes there has been dramatical­ly reduced.

“It is something that was needed for some time.

“I want to thank cllr Peter Hiller (cabinet Member for Growth, Planning, Housing and Economic Developmen­t for Peterborou­gh City Council) who realised how important the improvemen­ts at the junction were, and put £200,000 aside to make sure the roundabout was built.”

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