The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Posh beating Arsenal, overflowin­g toilets, an 86-minute match, getting thrown out of school,


We asked followers of @ PTAlanSwan­n on Twitter for their favourite Posh FA Cup memories. Posh v Newcastle live on television in 2002 .The mighty David Farrell scored a wonder goal.

@j_cook36 The 1-0 win v Leeds in 1986 when goalkeeper John Turner got injured and left-back Martin Pike went in goal. It was a bit hairy going back through town though! I also had to keep booking afternoons off work every time the Brighton replay that season was postponed.

@leccymanst­eve The best has to be Posh 2 Arsenal 1 in 1965. London Road was heaving. John Radford’s goal meant it was 1-0 Arsenal at half-time, before Peter McNamee and Derek Dougan scored for Posh. Dougan gave Ian Ure the runaround all game. Willie Duff made a great save near the end from Alan Skirton, local man Ron Cooper came out on top against George Armstrong and the toilets overflowed in the main stand!

@KelvinFarr­ell I got thrown out of my technology class & had my walkman confiscate­d for listening to the behind-closed-doors Kingstonia­n game in 1992.

@Matt_w81 January 1965: Posh 2 Arsenal 1 - ‘the Doog’ and Peter McNamee (later teacher at John Fisher) scored. 30,056 fans there and I couldn’t see a thing!


Darlington away in 2002 when we had to beat them to play Newcastle in the next round. We drew and then won the replay.

@StagPete Tranmere away in 2006. I was nine and Darragh MacAnthony put on 39 coaches free of charge and mine broke down! Or Colchester last season as I took a penalty at half time and scored.


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