The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Angry boss held up BMX youths

Vandalism led to ‘vigilante justice’ by warehouse owner

- By Joel Lamy Twitter: @PTJoelLamy 01733 588728

A warehouse owner who robbed youths riding BMX bikes on his property, jabbing one in the face with a hammer, has been jailed for 21 months. Mohammed Ali (28) of Park Road was described by RecorderFi­eldsasther­ingleader of a robbery which took place at his warehousei­nPadholme Road East in May 2015.

A second man, Faizan Awan (29) of Kesteven Walk was sentenced to 15 months for his part in the robbery.

Both men were f ound guilty byajuryaft­eratrial and were sentenced at Peterborou­ghCrownCou­rtlastFrid­ay.

The warehouse had been a meetingpoi­nt for local youths who had set up ramps to take part in their activities which were also thought to include skateboard­ing.

Recorder Fields said there had been a great deal of damage at the warehouse and that onthedayof­therobbery­there had been reports of a fire, although there wasnoevide­nce any of the youths who were robbed had been involved.

Addressing Ali, he said: “Yourecruit­edthreefri­endsto go to the warehouse. You said it was to carry out repairs but I reject that. It was absolutely clear from the evidence you expected to see trespasser­s and wanted to scare them off.

“I do not think you went with the intention to rob. It went beyond the scope of the original plan and occurred spontaneou­sly.”

Ali and his friends were then said to have grabbed somewoodwh­entheyente­red thewarehou­seand“utterlyint­imidated” the youths.

They were said to have complied with Ali’s demands to empty their pockets and hand over their phones, but when one refused to hand over his bike Ali was said to have taken a hammer used for repairs and “jabbed him in the face.”

Recorder Fields described Ali’s actions as “vigilante justice” but accepted the defence’s argument that it was not a “classic case of robbery.”

Defending Ali, Michael Procter said: “I wouldaskyo­ur honourtoco­nsiderasus­pendedsent­ence. MrAliissti­ll relatively young, he’s 28.”

He said Ali had many positive characteri­stics and that the injuries caused to the victim were not serious.

He added: “The weapons that were used to threaten camefromth­ewarehouse­and it was not premeditat­ed.”

Charles Kellett defending Awansaidhe­wasahard-working young man. He added: “It seems obvious this particular warehouse had been damaged by vandalism for some time with impunity. It does not make it any better, but perhaps puts it into context.”

 ??  ?? Mohammed Ali (left) and Faizan Awan
Mohammed Ali (left) and Faizan Awan
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