The Peterborough Evening Telegraph


City residents pay tribute to victims of terror outrage:

- By Stephen Briggs stephen.briggs@peterborou­ Twitter: @PTstephenB

People of Peterborou­gh came together in a show of strength and to pay tribute to the victims of the Manchester terror attack.

Twenty two people were killed and more than 50 injured - many of them children - following a concert at the Manchester Arena on Monday night.

On Tuesday, scores of people from different communitie­s across Peterborou­gh gathered in Cathedral Square, where a minute’s silence was held, and prayers and messages of support were read.

A book of condolence was also opened at the town hall, and the flag was flown at half mast above the building.

The service was led by the new Mayor of Peterborou­gh Cllr John Fox, who said: “This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I can’t help but think what those poor families are going through. You can’t put it into words. You just want to give them a big hug.

“People who came out to the service wanted to say we can’t accept this and what is going on.”

Canon Ian Black, who said prayers in the square, said:

“We have seen the worst of the world with the attack, but now we have seen the best of it with people’s reaction and support. “People want to build bridges, and the number of people here is a sign of hope.” Raza Rahim, of the Muslim Council of Peterborou­gh, Jayshree Mehta, of the Bharat Hindu Samaj and Bernadetta Omundi, of the Peteterbor­ough Community Groups Forum, also gave readings. Abdul Choudhuri, chairman at the Faizan e Madinah Mosque, said his thoughts were with the victims of the attack which took place at the Manchester Arena killing 22 and leaving 59 injured.

Mr Choudhuri said: “We condemn this attack, and send our sympathies to those who lost their lives, those who were injured and their families.

“It is difficult to express the words to describe what happened.

“We will be saying special prayers for those affected later today (Tuesday), and our deep thoughts are with those who were injured, and we hope they make a full recovery.

“It only takes one lunatic, one criminal to carry this out, and it is not acceptable.

“Those who are responsibl­e for acts like this, those who mastermind them and those who radicalise them must be punished for their actions.”

Following the attack,

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