The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Miller’s month to make it

- Alan Swann @PTAlanSwan­n

Peterborou­gh United boss Grant McCann is adamant he will emerge from a tough spell as a much better manager.

The criticism came flying McCann’s way after a desperatel­y poor performanc­e in a 1-1 draw in a second round FA Cup tie at Woking last weekend.

Posh chairman Darragh MacAnthony, who had flown in from his Orlando home on the morning of the game, was so disturbed by the display he immediatel­y offered free admission to next Tuesday’s (December 12) replay to the 684 travelling fans at Woking.

“If some people have a different agenda then that’s up to them,” McCann stated. “But I can assure you I’m passionate about this club.

“I always have been and I will be doing all I can to make sure we’re up there challengin­g at the end of the season.

“Nobody is going to tear us apart. The characters I have in the group and the staff I have got around me will make sure the only way we go is up.

“I proved as a player challenges make me better and I’ll do the same as a manager.”

The Woking performanc­e followed an oustanding effort in a League One game at Charlton when only a late collapse stopped Posh taking all three points.

McCann named the same team for the FA Cup tie against mid-table National League opposition, but received a vastly inferior performanc­e.

“I will not question the effort the players put in,” McCann added. “We have had a lot of games lately, but the players are playing with spirit and commitment.

“We got into some decent positions at Woking, but the final ball just wasn’t there. I know the quality we have in the squad. We showed it at Charlton in our previous game, but it went missing at Woking. That was the most disappoint­ing aspect of the game.

“We didn’t do enough to deserve to win the game and Woking definitely deserved their replay.”

MacAnthony was quick to vent his frustratio­n on Twitter after the final whistle. He then stopped short of giving McCann an ultimatum in a question-and-answer session with Posh fans the following day.

In the summer MacAnthony suggested McCann’s future would come up for discussion if Posh weren’t challengin­g for promotion by Christmas.

MacAnthony said: “That performanc­e/result was exactly what my twitter feed didn’t need the day I arrive back in UK! Thanks Posh. Well done to the 600-odd Poshies who attended, you were amaz- ing and I invite you to attend the replay for free on me.

“Grant was aware of the club’s aims at the start of the season. We want success, trophies and a brand of entertaini­ng football.

“He knows this and there is no point in me reminding him every week. I believe we will finish in the top six and when we find some consistenc­y we will be unbeatable. We have to go on a run of several wins in a row like we have in previous promotion seasons. We have the ability to manage that. “I would ask the fans to get behind the players and staff now. Let’s not treat every draw like it’s the end of the world and the manager should therefore be sacked.

“I am not happy with where we are, but I remain confident.”

Posh go into this Saturday’s tough game against in-form promotion favourites Blackburn at the ABAX Stadium in seventh place, but six points behind sixth-placed Charlton.

It’s another huge game for Posh, but they have already beaten top two Wigan and Shrewsbury at home this season.

McCann said: “It’s an important time for us and I know we can improve.

“We are still in amongst them and we will become stronger in the second half of the season.”

Grant McCann is convinced things will improve for Posh very soon

Grant McCann: “If some people have a different agenda, that’s up to them.”

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 ??  ?? Jonathan Bond kept Posh in the FA Cup with this penalty save at Woking.
Jonathan Bond kept Posh in the FA Cup with this penalty save at Woking.
 ??  ?? Gwion Edwards on the charge at Woking watched by Kane Ferdinand.
Gwion Edwards on the charge at Woking watched by Kane Ferdinand.
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