The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Have you heard? Christmas is coming


E Wach year we have a debate at Thornton Towers: fake or real? Yes it’s time to put the Christmas tree up. e always opt for a real one although every Twelfth Night, as we pick the pine needles out of our hair, mince pies and Christmas jumpers, we swear it will be the last time.

Peterborou­gh City Council controvers­ially have been faking it for a while and this year sees the third Christmas the £40,000 white globe ‘tree’ has been the centrepiec­e of the city’s lights.

It has attracted plenty of criticism. I still can’t make my mind up about it – it looks great at night after a few shandies, but is less impressive the morning after in the harsh daylight. Which I suppose is a feeling many people have at this time of year after a boozy office party.

I feel sorry for whoever’s responsibl­e for the tree’s safekeepin­g for the rest of the year. Every November some poor soul has to climb into the loft at the town hall and haul it down – hoping beyond hope it still works and mice haven’t eaten through the wires. Or even worse one of the globes hasn’t gone missing.

A lot of residents were appalled at the cost of 40 grand especially as the last real tree the council bought cost £1,987 plus VAT.

So that’s roughly 20 years of real trees , but to be fair to the council ( ‘tis the season of goodwill after all!) its overall Christmas lights spending has gone down from £82,000 when we last had a real tree to £62,000 this year.

On the downside though, we no longer get the annual ‘photo-opportunit­y’ with the mayor in a cherry pickier plonking a fairy on top of the tree.

The annual lights switchon proved very popular with 6,000 turning out this year. This despite Peterborou­gh not feeling the need (and saving the money) of roping in a celebrity. Rugby, a much smaller place, had pop star Pixie Lott switching their lights on (pictured).

So, maybe the council has got the right balance between playing Scrooge and the jolly fellow with the white beard. Although, if Pixie had done the honours here I can guarantee the attendence in Cathedral Square would have been at least 6,001.

The huge crowd backs a recent survey which claimed that Peterborou­gh people love Christmas more than anywhere else in the country. Presumably, they didn’t ask anyone stuck in Serpentine Green car park on Saturday after the Coca Cola truck sparked mayhem

I’m told the anger was real, not fake!

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