The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Veteran’s pain after ‘assault’

Former corporal says he suffered after historic incident

- By Joel Lamy Twitter: @PTJoelLamy

A former infantry corporal from Peterborou­gh has claimed he was sexually assaulted by a military doctor who was recently jailed for four years.

Dr Neil Ineson, a former British Army colonel, was jailed last April for assaulting young male recruits while working as a hospital cardiologi­st.

His conviction was only made public last month after a second trial in connection with a separate allegation, of which he was found not guilty, had taken place.

Now, a former corporal who served in Ireland and Bosnia has approached the Peterborou­gh Telegraph after reading of Ineson’s prison sentence in a national newspaper.

The veteran, who served for many years, spoke to the PT on the condition of anonymity.

He alleged that Ineson took advantage of him when he was at the Queen Elizabeth Military Hospital in Woolwich more than 20 years ago.

The corporal, who had a disease at the time, said: “I was called into a room on the side of the ward by this colonel.

“He told me to pull my trousers down and boxer shorts and sit on the edge of the bed.

“He just sat there watching. There was no nurse.”

Some of the doctors alleged actions are too graphic to print.

The corporal said the next time he saw the doctor, “he told me to put my pyjamas and boxer shorts down. He touched my bum and I said ‘there’s something wrong here’.

“He said ‘it’s fine, I just want to see where the disease is coming from’.”

The corporal said after both examinatio­ns he spoke to a nurse about what had happened but did not receive a response.

And it was when he returned to civilian life years later that the alleged incidents, in combinatio­n with his Posttrauma­tic stress disorder, began to affect him.

He added: “I tried taking my own life over it. I was sleeping rough and drinking really, really heavily. Many a relationsh­ip has been ruined.”

The corporal has now spoken to police about the alleged offences and hopes his words will encourage fellow abuse sufferers to speak up.

He added: “I did not say anything at first because I did not know what to say.

“First of all I was embarrasse­d, but then I thought ‘no, you have to say something’.”

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