The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Celebratin­g 70 years of the NT


Peckover House has unveiled a new art exhibition by Cambridges­hire artists, to celebrate its 70th anniversar­y in the National Trust.

The installati­on, Transition­s in Time, was created by artists Sarah Evans and David Kefford, known as Aid & Abet. It will run until Sunday, November 18.

Visitors to the house can expect to see the drawing room transforme­d into an immersive art installati­on that incorporat­es the old and the new, tradition and innovation.

The commission­ing artists, Aid & Abet, spent a year researchin­g elements of the Peckover story and took inspiratio­n from the family’s values, traditions and links with the local community, to produce the exhibition.

Sarah Evans, one the artists, said: “The work invites visitors to delve into the creative past lives of the people that once lived at Peckover House. They can expect the unexpected, as objects from the house jostle with new collages. We wanted visitors to take fresh inspiratio­n from this wonderful Georgian house and its long, fascinatin­g story.”

The artists have used collection­s of artefacts, books and ordinary domestic items alongside collected treasures, to create collages and sculptural artworks.

They aim to continue to develop the exhibition with the changing seasons, working with local groups in the community to create new artwork to add to the installati­on.

Ben Rickett, the National Trust’s Property Operations Manager at Peckover House, said: “This is an opportunit­y for us to re-imagine the extensive collection that once filled the house, focusing on different elements of Peckover’s history and the family’s legacy.”

The event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

 ??  ?? Part of the exhibition
Part of the exhibition

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