The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Peterborou­gh has the best journalist­s


Reaction to my latest columns...

A couple of columns ago you described Sam Curran as a moderate no-hoper. Have you ever seen him play? You should get out more and actually watch some top class sport. Oh no, sorry I forgot, you have to cover the local dominoes and bowls leagues. You were such a boring opening batsman, opposing captains used to try to keep you in to ensure Peterborou­gh Town only got a moderate score. I should know I was one of those captains and ‘keep Swann in’ was a main part of my teamtalk. Your Nemesis

I agree with your Premier League column last week apart from, as a Man City supporter for 62 years, I want them to win the league and for Phil Foden to excel.

Richard Benns I don’t support Posh. I just understand Posh get on with business and have the best chairman of any of the lower league clubs. The city of Peterborou­gh also has the best journalist­s.


99% of the time Swanny talks sense. @Jimmy_Dean666

I agree (with the above), it’s just the other 1% that causes such havoc.


Agree with you on most of your Premier League comments especially that Bournemout­h have had an easy ride from pundits for too long. City will win the league again though.


You support Posh, a Mickey Mouse club in a Mickey Mouse City with Mickey Mouse fans.

Anon (by post). England could well hammer India 5-0 in this current Test series. With one glaring exception, the Indian batsmen look clueless against the moving ball, a fact that magnifies the sheer pointlessn­ess of the Test ranking system. Put these same players up against each other this winter in India and the result would be reversed. Home advantage has skewed results so badly no team has the right to be called the world’s best. England have been outstandin­g again in English conditions. It doesn’t mean for one minute we are going to succeed in Sri Lanka in our next series. Nor for that matter are we guaranteed to win in the West Indies which can now became a trial of spin, something we should fear even with young talents like Ollie Pope (above).


Dina Asher-Smith (above) was a delight to watch at the European Championsh­ips. Talented and always smiling. Hopefully she can continue improving and challenge the top Americans for the spint titles at the top events.


But what a miserable figure Rory McIlroy cut again at the USPGA Championsh­ips. The course was supposed to suit his style - all power, no guile - but he now looks less likely to win a Major than a 42 year-old with a bad back.


It’s hard work watching Andy Murray lose to players he used to beat easily, but if anyone has the guts and desire to get back to the top it’s him.

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