The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Reunited by technology


Terry Wile’s 17 year old mum had been taking thalidomid­e to relieve morning sickness and when he was born severely disabled in 1962 he was abandoned at the city’s mater- nity unit.

He was adopted by Leonard and Hazel Wiles and the family later emigrated to New Zealand.

Terry played himself in the EmmyAward-winningTVd­rama about his life, On Giant’s Shoulders, which starred Judi Dench as Hazel. Terry now lives in New Zealand with his wife Robyn and dog Mel. He has been an ambassador for thalidomid­e victims all his life.

I first took Terry’s picture in 1982 - and in 2016 we were reunited courtesy of Skype.

 ??  ?? Reunited via Skype in 2016.
Reunited via Skype in 2016.
 ??  ?? Terry in 1982.
Terry in 1982.

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