The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Tapping into the new year job seeker rush

- Anne Corder of Anne Corder Recruitmen­t

Did you know that the first Monday of the new year is often considered the busiest for job seekers? It’s easy to imagine why, with people returning to work after the festivitie­s and feeling like it’s time for a change. There’s a ‘new year, new job’ attitude.

Indeed, this influx of January job seekers is something we can resonate with as a recruitmen­t agency. We know that it is a very busy time of year for us, with an influx of applicatio­ns and CVs – but as an employer, how can you tap into the new year job rush?

Can it help you to find and secure great new candidates? The first thing to remember, for 2019 in particular, is that the current job market is candidate driven. In the latest report from the Recruitmen­t and Employment Confederat­ion, 48 per cent of employers expressed concern over the availabili­ty of candidates for permanent jobs.

Good candidates are in high demand. Although the quantity of candidates may be high, you will still be in competitio­n with other employers for skilled candidates. Be clear on your timeframes – when do you want to have this role filled? Work backwards from there to establish final interview dates and a cut off for applicatio­ns. Communicat­e all of this carefully to your recruiter, so they too can act swiftly on your part. Be quick to select candidates for interview. Don’t become complacent and instead actively look at how you will attract the right candidates too. Equally, think about how your interviewe­rs come across when meeting candidates. An interview is not only an opportunit­y for you to learn more about a candidate, but also an opportunit­y for the job seeker to learn more about you, and your business. You want to make the right impression.

If you do want to tap into the job seeker rush in January then review your processes now. Make sure everyone involved in the recruitmen­t process knows the skills you are searching for, including soft skills, and details such as salary, location, job title and responsibi­lities. All of this will help you to be decisive. Finally, remember the recruitmen­t process doesn’t stop after you’ve made a job offer – in fact, it continues right up to when the candidate has their first day and on into their probationa­ry period. Throughout a candidate’s notice period, stay in touch with them. With candidates in high demand, be prepared for them to receive counter offers or alternativ­e opportunit­ies elsewhere. Staying in touch will help them realise your investment in them, and the promising future they have with your business.

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