The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Enterprisi­ng digital expert hopes app will Drench the city

App creator turns down advances from ‘angel investors’

- By Paul Grinnell Twitter: @PTPaulGrin­nell

A young entreprene­ur in Peterborou­gh is shrugging off the attentions of investors keen to buy into his new digital venture.

Hamzah Malik (27) has spent months refining his new shopping and leisure offers a pp called Drench.

Mr Malik, who is based at the Allia Future Business Centre, in London Road, has invested £25,000 developing the app, which so far has attracted 1,000 users in Peterborou­gh.

The app uses a sophistica­ted geofencing system to send the user offers, known as Drenches, from nearby shops or leisure operators.

Mr Malik says the app makes Peterborou­gh the first UK city to have a dedicated real-time geomarketi­ng app.

He has signed up 1o restaurant­s in Peterborou­gh, including new arrivals to the city Five Lads, in Cowgate.

Mr Malik, who paid his way through university through his own CV writing website, says Drench has already attracted offers from so-called ‘angel investors’ keen to get on board an exciting new digital enterprise.

He said: “I’ve had a few offers from investors but I’ve turned them down as I am keen to expand this developmen­t by myself.”

The funds to create the app have come from Mr Malik’s own digital marketing consultanc­y Regent Branding.

He said: “I’ve used profits from Regent Branding in creating Drench.”

Perhaps surprising­ly, the entreprene­ur is not your typical computer techie.

Mr Malik is an English graduate from Leicester University and says much of the technical input comes from his partners in the Ukraine and Pakistan.

 ??  ?? Entreprene­ur Hamzah Malik.
Entreprene­ur Hamzah Malik.
 ??  ?? The Drench app in operation on a mobile phone.
The Drench app in operation on a mobile phone.

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