The Peterborough Evening Telegraph


Twenty seats are up for election in Peterborou­gh next month – a third of the council. We asked the parties and candidates to tell you want they think is the biggest issue facing the authority.

- By Joel Lamy Twitter: @PTJoelLamy

Peterborou­gh residents go to the polls on May 2 to elect 20 city councillor­s.

The city council has 60 seats, with the Conservati­ves currently holding 31 of them.

The Peterborou­gh Telegraph asked the five parties putting up candidates in multiple wards for 250 words on what the biggest issue in Peterborou­gh is, and how their party would fix it.

We also asked parties putting up a single candidate, and the lone independen­t, if they would like to send in 80 words on the same issue.

Here are the responses.


A big issue in the city council elections is undoubtedl­y lack of trust in politics and politician­s. And that disillusio­nment applies at both the national and the local level.

It’s about the type of councillor­s we have and how they work with local people.

This coming December the Conservati­ves will have run Peterborou­gh for 20 years. That is too long for one party to have absolute power, power which is entrenched by the “leader and cabinet” system. We have a diverse and growing city but also one that, under Tory control, is over centralise­d and where people feel that the council does things to them rather than works for them.

People see a council which spends millions on ripping up and replacing paving slabs in the city centre, whilst neglecting other areas of the city. People see a council that builds on local green spaces against the wishes of local people, yet also fails woefully to provide enough affordable housing for a young and growing population.

Local children are put at risk as the council refuses to introduce 20mph limits to tackle speeding traffic and cuts investment in public transport, leading to even more cars on our roads.

Lib Dems have a candidate in every council ward, so everyone has a chance to vote for a council that does politics differentl­y, empowering all councillor­s but empowering local people and communitie­s too. See www.peterborou­ to find out more about our ideas.


One of the biggest issues in Peterborou­gh is housing. We are simply not building enough homes to keep up with demand; this has led to a visible increase in rough sleeping on our streets and young people finding it increasing­ly difficult to afford their first homes.

The Conservati­ve administra­tion has tried to hide some of the problem by shipping people in Travelodge­s far from our city and at great expense. The way forward is to commit our city to building more: Labour has a fully costed proposal to build 3,000 council-owned homes over the next five years. We want to build homes using modern constructi­on methods such as modular housing; the expertise to do this already exists within our city.

Additional­ly, we should use our money to support the local economy: we spend far too much on companies which ship their earnings back to their head offices in London and elsewhere Our procuremen­t policies must be focused on supporting local businesses and employment.

This policy has been implemente­d in other cities including Preston and has improved both public services and bolstered the local economy. When Labour is elected, we will make housing and boosting the city’s economic growth our top priorities.


The greatest issue in Peterborou­gh at the moment is undoubtedl­y the housing crisis as this has strong links through to employment, education, health and mental wellbeing.

Too many families live under the shadow of potential homelessne­ss. They are unable to plant stable roots for themselves or their families when they don’t know for how long they will be living at their current address.

The Green Party calls for a living rent for all through rent controls and more secure tenancies for private renters, with an end to all letting fees and mandatory licensing for all landlords. We also want a major programme to build affordable, zero carbon homes, including 100,000 social rented homes nationally each year by 2022, a percentage of which could be built in Peterborou­gh. Housing insecurity has a detrimenta­l effect on the educationa­l progress of primaryage children, another problem Peterborou­gh is also presently wrestling with.

I would like to see more people housed in homes that meet their changing needs, for example, as families grow and as people age and become less mobile. Homes should be situated in communitie­s well-served by reliable, affordable public transport with accessible local amenities, such as good quality schools and shops and with transport infrastruc­ture that is safe and which discourage­s car use while encouragin­g cycling, walking and use of public transport.

I would also like to see more green spaces protected for local people and wildlife, including allotments that encourage people to grow their own food and compost their food waste.


The Conservati­ves have a sound memory of recent political history in Peterborou­gh. We remember well the financial and administra­tive mess we inherited from the last Socialist Labour group, who were elected on false promises they couldn’t pay for and our city suffered hugely as a result.

Sound familiar? It should, because today we have a repeat scenario. A socialist Labour group making pie-inthe-sky promises based on a budget written on a single sheet of A4 paper. Please let’s not make the same mistake, suffer higher council tax bills and let all the work we’ve done together over the years be ruined by financial ineptitude and ideologica­l hard-left dogma.

As Conservati­ves our balanced budgets are approved by profession­al auditors and government. Peterborou­gh has the eighth lowest council tax rate in the UK and, despite huge budget pressures, we have maintained and improved our city’s frontline services. We don’t write cheques we can’t cash, and we certainly don’t want to return to the dark, bankrupt days of a Labour administra­tion.

Of course, we can still improve on what we’re already doing and have, despite financial pressure, created a far more efficient council for residents. We’ve combined services with other authoritie­s and streamline­d how we operate to allow us to make Peterborou­gh an even better place to live, work, play and grow. So, on May the 2nd let’s all ignore what is going on in Westminste­r and vote Conservati­ve in your ward to keep up the good work being undertaken here in Peterborou­gh.


For UKIP this election is about two main issues, one national and one local, but they all boil down to one thing - trust. Can you trust your current representa­tives to deliver on what they have promised?

Peterborou­gh voted to leave the European Union in 2016 but as we all know nationally that has failed to happen. Nationally, UKIP, the party of Brexit, is campaignin­g to Make Brexit Happen, to ensure your democratic­ally expressed wishes are delivered on. Voting for UKIP will send a signal to Westminste­r that its betrayal of the promise made to you won’t wash.

Locally, the city council is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy because of the mismanagem­ent of the city council’s finances by the Conservati­ve administra­tion. Something needs to change, and it needs to change soon or else the alternativ­e is unbearable to think about.

UKIP is the party that you can trust to turn things around and we will not raid your wallet demanding ever more of your hard-earned money to put a band-aid over the gaping hole in the city council’s budget. Once again, this is an issue of trust. Can you really trust the people who put us in this hole to haul us out of it?

We will represent and serve you, the people of Peterborou­gh, as our first democratic duty and put Peterborou­gh first. A vote for UKIP is a vote for the nation and for Peterborou­gh and, finally, for a better future for us all.


Far too often council funding fails to reach our villages, with the city taking precedence.

The Bedford Hall, Thorney, is a historic building which has been neglected by councillor­s.

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