The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Former directors shame Thomas Cook chief


Quite rightly there has been huge scrutiny on the most senior management at Thomas Cook following its collapse. Decisions have been scrutinise­d in the wake of the company’s disastrous collapse and the payments and bonuses received by those at the top questioned and criticised. But this week we have been able to highlight two former Thomas Cook chiefs who have done far more for the beleagured former employees of the company than the most recent management. Former CEO John Donaldson and ex-UK managing director John McEwan have launched a fundraisin­g campaign to support their former employees. These gentlemen are not recent senior managers, they both worked at Thomas Cook in the 1980s and 90s. Moved by the plight of former employees they set out to raise £100,000, passed that total quickly and now want to hit £200,000. The money will help former employees in real financial hardship following the firm’s crash. They have already been able to help more than 900 people affected and are aiming to help many more. Their actions show why Thomas Cook was held in such affection around the world. It was a company built on sound management and strong principles. Peter Fankhauser, Thomas Cook’s chief executive at the time of its demise - defended his huge salary and a £500,000 bonus when grilled by MPs on the company’s collapse. Calls to pay it back and help former employees do not seem to have been heeded. Top directors at the holiday company were paid a combined £20m in salaries and bonuses since 2014. The actions of John Donaldson and John McEwan shame all of them. >Mark Edwards >@PT Mark Edwards

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