The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Youngsters that are a lesson to us all...


As the dust settles on the election and the country takes a break from the Brexit debate for the festive season, this week’s PT throws the spotlight on some brave and admirable young people. Thanks goodness that the bravery of little Stefan Snowden (pages 14&15) didn’t end in tragedy allowing us to admire the wonderful spirit of a little chap who didn’t hesitate to go for help when his dad fell ill. The pupils at Ken Stimpson Community School (pages 10&11) deserve a big pat on the back for raising thousands for a very worthwhile cause by contributi­ng hours of effort to a marathon sporting challenge that involved several other schools as well. Little Grayson Heagren (pages 6&7 was born with a serious heart problem. We can’t begin to imagine what he, his parents and siblings are going through. Their wait for a heart transplant continues and they cling to that hope as the youngster fights the debilitati­ng effects of his illness. The family’s bravery and stoicism is a lesson to us all. They know that Grayson’s best hope will inevitably come from a tragedy that befalls another family. They are treating this Christmas as if it is Grayson’s last ... we can only hope that his courage is rewarded and that he sees many more. Newslists can often make grim reading but it is also true that we journalist­s are also privileged to meet and highlight the courage and actions of many admirable people... this week we are pleased to highlight that so much is achieved by many that are still young in years.

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