The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Simple checks to ensure safer motoring this winter


The recent harsh weather has left us all in no doubt that winter has well and truly arrived, and we can be pretty sure that even worse is on the way in coming weeks.

With that in mind, now is the perfect time to start thinking ahead and getting your car prepared for winter.

Much of the preparatio­n here can be undertaken at home but if you don’t feel confident or are concerned about anything in particular your local garage should be able to help make sure everything is ship shape.

Under-bonnet checks

The engine bay is the heart of your car and many of the most basic and vital functions are controlled from here so it’s important to check all of them to avoid an unexpected breakdown.

Check your battery - any signs of struggling to start or dimming of lights etc could be a sign it’s worn out. Things such as lights, heaters and wipers rely on the battery to function and place much more demand in the dark, wet winter so you want it to be in top condition.

Also check all your fluid levels. The right amount and type of oil is vital all year round but make sure you’re also topped up with antifreeze at the right concentrat­ion. You can buy cheap tools to do this or ask a profession­al to check it. Also make sure steering and brake fluids are at the right level and ensure your screenwash is topped up with a winter-strength formula.

Visibility is vital

A combinatio­n of less daylight and poor weather mean it’s harder to see and be seen in winter so it’s vital to do everything to maximise visibility. Get a friend to help and activate every light in turn to make sure you don’t have any blown bulbs. Check your wipers and replace them if they are worn. Any streaking or squeaking could be a sign they’re past it and if they don’t work you could struggle to see out. Clean your glass and lights regularly. The roads throw up more dirt at this time of year and combined with the low sun dirty glass can be almost impossible to see through.

Talking tyres

Your tyres are your car’s only contact with the road and with winter bringing slippery conditions it’s vital that they are up to the job. Check the tread depth to make sure there’s plenty of grip. The legal limit is 1.6mm but it’s recommende­d you have at least 3mm during winter. Check the pressures as well as under or over-inflation can harm grip and look for any cracks, cuts or bulges - any of these mean it’s time for new tyres. Also consider winter tyres, which perform better in any conditions below 7 degrees, not just when there’s snow on the ground.

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