The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Stamford gets its new Poet laureate


Anew Poet Laureate has been selected for Stamford following online auditions by seven talented candidates.

While most of Verse Festival 2020, Stamford’s fifth festival of poetry and spoken word, was postponed due to the Coronaviru­s, the selection process for Poet Laureate went ahead using the video conference app, Zoom.

Audience members were able to watch from home as each applicant performed a live reading for the panel of judges, who included Stamford’s then Deputy Mayor, now Mayor, Maxine Couch; Stamford’s 2018-20 Poet Laureate Chris Martin; and Verse Festival coordinato­r and South Kesteven District Council’s Arts Programme Officer Karen Burrows.

After a closely fought linguistic battle, the judges deliberate­d and declared Rob Ellks (pictured) the winner.

Rob said: “It is an absolute honour to be selected as Stamford’s Poet Laureate, and a huge thank-you goes to the panel for showing such faith in me as a poet.

“Poetry is a thriving medium in Stamford where the town’s Arts Centre vigorously support poetry, bringing some of the biggest names to perform there and I look forward to liaising with their wonderful staff and other local groups.

“In these trying and unusual times poetry is a wonderful medium for engaging our mind in a positive fashion and thus supports our mental wellbeing. I will do my upmost as an ambassador for poetry in the local area in my time as the Poet


Rob’s role will include writing and performing original work for occasions and events such as Remembranc­e Day, Battle of Britain Parade and the Holocaust Memorial Service. The Poet Laurette also works with Stamford Arts Centre to support the spoken-word scene in the town, and at local events such as Pint Of Poetry in the Cellar Bar.

To get in touch with the Poet Laureate or to discuss poetry or art events in the local area, email karen.b@ stamfordar­

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