The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Cryptic Clues: Across


1. Be in power as a normal state of things (4)

3. Hesitate to detain defender in custody (4,4)

8. Sketch tie (4)

9. Father’s weapon is the countersig­n (8)

11. The price the athlete has to pay? (7,5)

13. Smart tree (6)

14. Put two and two together again – and mend! (6)

17. Literary penpal? (3,2,7)

20. Currently offensive? (8)

21. Heath to tie boat up (4)

22. To admit charge, as it were (5,3)

23. At this place in the register (4)


1. Organisati­on that makes Communist annoyed? (3,6)

2. Student whose wages are a pound (7)

4. Fruit shows the extent of the circle (6)

5. Yet hid son’s deceitfuln­ess (10)

6. An attic is obviously quite high (5)

7. Popularly hoaxes youngsters (4)

10. Does he hope to ride a record winner? (4,6)

12. Jam to dish up beforehand? (8)

15. Mean about single flower (7)

16. Quick look may bring runs (6)

18. Concerning a boxing match (5)

19. Man, for example, lies around (4)

Quick Clues: Across Down

1. Absent (4) 1. Acclamatio­n (8)

3. Ponder (8) 2. Aeronaut (7)

8. Bucket (4) 4. Narcotic (6)

9. Refute (8) 5. Faultless (10)

11. Genuinenes­s (12) 6. Take as one’s own (5)

13. Tension (6)

7. Unruffled (4)

14. Specimen (6)

10. Credible (10)

17. Watch (12) 12. Protector (8)

20. Unmarried (8) 15. Thoughtful (7)

21. Tie (4) 16. Handgun (6)

22. Maternal (8) 18. Tenantless (5)

23. Carry (4) 19. Dross (4)

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