The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

A better direction for our city

- Cllr Mohammed Farooq, Peterborou­gh First

Spring is a time of change, fresh perspectiv­es and new starts. Change for our council is well underway having started in November when we made history in the council chamber with a new administra­tion, led by the independen­t group of councillor­s that form Peterborou­gh First.

The biggest change in the last six months has not solely been the change of administra­tion, but much more. A better and more motivated team delivering residents’ priorities. A better relationsh­ip with outside bodies, bringing in large amounts of investment. Doors being opened that were previously slammed shut, processes being put in place to ensure our children’s services are improved and of course, the ongoing change to the political landscape.

With elections around the corner, there is much debate about how the council administra­tion will look from May 3rd. You hold the key, and the administra­tion formation will depend on you and your vote. We currently have 10-15 Independen­t councillor­s, out of a total of 60 councillor­s, who put the city and their own ward before any political demands; it is highly unlikely any one party will ever get a majority of the 31-plus necessary for outright control, any time soon.

This is great news for our city for several reasons. Any new administra­tion will need a collaborat­ive spirit and to work with the independen­ts; this will ensure the residents are truly represente­d ahead of party politics and essential services are delivered. Most importantl­y, any new administra­tion will never be able to repeat the failures of the last Conservati­ve administra­tion… Lending millions to a hotel project, funding failed solar panel projects, having to overpay for council offices due to the Conservati­ve administra­tion not putting a break clause in the lease, failures in governance, failures of financial management, and huge failures in political leadership.

Separately, I am already putting processes in place to ensure events such as these can never happen again. Your vote will deliver the direction of travel in the council chamber. I ask you to look at the behaviour in the chamber, look at the legacy of mistakes and issues that were ignored.

If you are reading this, I trust you have read previous articles from me and from other groups, and you are starting to see those who are part of a positive change and those who want to drag this city downwards. Your vote matters. With your support, let’s keep heading in a better direction for our city, for you and your family. If you have independen­t candidates in your ward standing for election, they offer you an unbiased voice and will be a valuable member of the council, as we continue our new path. To help us deliver the right balance in the council chamber I would urge all residents to vote for your independen­t candidates on May 2. Where an independen­t is not standing please vote wisely for a positive change.

Tuesday was Primary National Offer Day when families found out their children’s primary school place. In Peterborou­gh 98.51 per cent of children secured a place at their first, second or third preferred school. It’s great news that so many children have been able to receive their choice of school.

Tonight (Thursday 18th) council will find out whether it has been successful in the Energy Efficient Awards for the East of England, where we have been shortliste­d for Local Authority of the Year. We spent millions of pounds, thanks to government grants, supporting people who live in homes with a poor energy efficiency rating to be able to reduce their carbon footprint. Thanks to Changemake­rs Peterborou­gh, we will all get the chance to think about our carbon footprint and enjoy a free family event with the Earth Day event taking place on Sunday (April 21st) between 10am and noon in Central Park. There is much to enjoy including games, story time, activities and more.

 ?? ?? Council leader Mohammed Farooq, Peterborou­gh First
Council leader Mohammed Farooq, Peterborou­gh First

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