The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Man spared prison time


An Aberdeen man threatened to behead police officers after they arrived at his home following a noise complaint.

Officers were sent to Lee Menzies’ home on the city’s Hilton Drive after receiving an anonymous call on Thursday.

When they arrived at around 9pm, they found him standing in front of a smashed window.

He then shouted, swore and threatened to decapitate the constables if they entered his home.

Yesterday, the 25-yearold – who suffers from schizophre­nia and depression – appeared from custody at Aberdeen Sheriff Court and admitted behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner.

He also admitted causing glass to dislodge from the window and land in the direction of the police officers while

“I’ll cut your head off if you come in this house”

repeatedly threatenin­g them.

The fiscal depute said: “The officers attempted to engage the accused in conversati­on, he was abusive and continued shouting and swearing at officers.

“He punched glass towards the officers close to where they were standing. Remarks were made that he would ‘smash your head in’ in relation to one officer.

“To other officers, he said ‘I’ll cut your head off if you come in this house’.”

Defence agent Shane Campbell said: “He has pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunit­y and wishes to apologise to the officers concerned. He accepts his conduct will not have been particular­ly pleasant for them.”

Sheriff William Taylor ordered Menzies to carry out 50 hours of unpaid work within the next six months.

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