The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Attacker admits to groping two teens on bus

Caught: Man on sex offenders register


A man has been placed on the sex offenders register for groping two teenagers on a bus as it drove down Aberdeen’s main street.

Matthew Connon appeared at the city’s sheriff court yesterday and admitted carrying out two sex assaults on a 14–year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl.

The teens and some friends were on the bus from Bridge of Don heading into the city centre when the attack happened at about 9.30pm on January 9.

The court heard that when the bus stopped at the Castlegate, 53-year-old Connon got on the bus – which was nearly empty apart from the children who were sitting at the back

Fiscal depute Alan Townsend said Connon walked directly towards them, and asked one of the children to move so he could sit down, despite the numerous empty seats.

He said: “During the bus journey along Union Street the accused asked the others some questions about where they went to school, what they do in their spare time and where they lived.

“He then turned to the complainer and said ‘ are you gay? You are hot.’”

Mr Townsend said Connon then placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder and

“He then turned and said ‘Are you gay? You are hot’”

stroked his right leg half way down his thigh, before doing the same to the girl.

As the boy stood up to leave, Connon grabbed his bottom and t he t een pushed him away.

The children reported the incident to the bus driver, who stopped at the Holburn junction and refused to let Connon leave until the police arrived.

Defence agent Gregor Kelly said his client was “highly intoxicate­d” that night and said that was the first time he had consumed alcohol in over a year.

He said Connon, of Flat B, 4 Park Road, Aberdeen, accepted that his conduct was “entirely wrong” and that the inci- dent must have been “terribly concerning” for his young victims given their age.

Sheriff Edward Savage deferred sentence on Connon for reports to be carried out but placed him on the sex offenders register meantime.

 ??  ?? REGISTERED: Matthew Connon was said to be highly intoxicate­d during the incident and admitted he was entirely wrong
REGISTERED: Matthew Connon was said to be highly intoxicate­d during the incident and admitted he was entirely wrong

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