The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Horoscope by Patrick Arundell


Aries Mar 21-Apr 20

Your dreams may be important, whether these are night reveries or daydreams that conjure up images of what you might like to do and to be. Although they may be removed from reality, they are preferable to responsibi­lities. Taurus Apr 21-May 21 The cosmic overview suggests being true to your deeper instincts may be important at a time when others could be very persuasive. Certain friends may be ready to share what works for them, but focus on what you feel is best for you.

Gemini May 22June 21

How high is high enough, particular­ly when it comes to a personal ambition? A key blend of energies suggests being realistic about what you hope to achieve, as there could be a tendency to veer off into areas that may not be quite so productive. Cancer Jun 22-Jul 23 Your beliefs about yourself could be crucial to shaping the way areas of your life unfold, especially over the coming days and weeks. The Solar Eclipse may have highlighte­d an area where you could be holding yourself back.

Leo Jul 24-Aug 23

You may be inclined to play down your skills and abilities, particular­ly with the Sun in a highly sensitive sector of your chart. Despite this, you can be very creative, which can show up in an artistic way or as a natural flair for resolving everyday issues.

Virgo Aug 24-Sep 23

While an idea might appeal, an eager mood could encourage you to dive in without thinking through all the potential implicatio­ns, which could prove a setback later. A blend of energies hints you may be in demand from others too.

Libra Sep 24-Oct 23

An aspect of your daily life may have reached a point where it is no longer helpful. This could be a habit, a situation or perhaps a belief about what you should or should not be doing.

Scorpio Oct 24-Nov 22

The ongoing tie between Mars and Uranus could be the reason why you may feel restless. You might prefer to do anything except knuckle down to tasks. But with some lively links in your leisure zone there is the option of good times ahead too.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23Dec 21

A focus on your leisure sector suggests you may enjoy the chance to get out and about. And whether this involves sport, aerobics or a walk in nature, any such activities might prove invigorati­ng.

Capricorn Dec 22Jan 20

It’s possible you may have to go back on a promise even though this might be the last thing you want to do. A sensitive approach and the willingnes­s to make other arrangemen­ts further down the line can make up for any disappoint­ment.

Aquarius Jan 21-Feb 19

It can seem that you have too much money going out and perhaps not as much as you would like coming in. While other celestial factors might encourage a spontaneou­s approach to life and financial matters, it is better if this does not extend to your resources.

Pisces Feb 20-Mar 20

If it seems that the more you push yourself the less you appear to achieve, then it may be because you’re trying too hard. The astrologic­al picture encourages you to let go and go with the flow, and you may find that if you do everything comes together more easily.

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