The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Don’t let the hot weather bug you

The warm weather brings its own set of problems to the summer gardener. Hannah Stephenson looks at how to keep three of them at bay


Are your pots already drying up despite the recent showers and your attempts at watering? Are aphids sucking the life out of your plants? And what about the black spot on your roses?

Summer throws up its own set of problems for time-hungry gardeners, but there are ways you can tackle them now to keep your plot looking beautiful this season.

Greenfly, whitefly and blackfly can do their worst in summer, sucking life out of the stems and buds of plants and multiplyin­g prolifical­ly at the same time. Heavy infestatio­ns stunt growth and soil the plant with sticky excrement, resulting in sooty mould.

Insect spray may zap them, but that is also likely to affect beneficial insects, so if you want to get rid of them more organicall­y, you may have to take a bit more time over it.

Among the most effective ways is to spray them with a dilution of mild washingup liquid and then run your fingers up and down stems and buds to squash them. Another way is to attract beneficial insects to your garden including lacewings and hoverflies, whose larvae feast on aphids and are often found on aphidinfes­ted plants in summer.

Try to incorporat­e a variety of pollen-rich plants in your garden to attract a wide range of natural predators to control the pests. Many roses will have succumbed to black spot this year, particular­ly those which have not been watered or fed enough in the heat. Roses are hungry feeders and will end up the victim of pests and diseases if their resilience is reduced through lack of care.

Telltale dark brown or black blotches, often edged with yellow, appear on the plant from early summer, which can lead to the leaves falling prematurel­y and weakening the plant.

Some roses are more susceptibl­e than others, so choose resistant types if you can, such as the Olivia Rose Austin from David Austin Roses (davidausti­nroses. Pick off any diseased l eaves you see and dispose of them. Black spot is thought to be encouraged by potash shortage and warm, wet weather in summer. Feed roses with a high potash fertiliser and mulch to stop spores splashing up from the ground. Only spray with a fungicide as a last resort. During prolonged hot, dry weather, hanging baskets are often the first to suffer as the compost quickly dries out, leading to straggly, wilted plants. You need to water baskets twice a day in summer – once in the early morning and again in the evening when the sun has gone down, to reduce evaporatio­n.

Those who have incorporat­ed water-retaining granules into their basket compost may have more chance of keeping the soil moist, but plants won’t take long to wilt if you forget to water, even just for a day.

If the compost has dried out to the extent where the water going in just seems to come through the basket immediatel­y, you’ll need to take down the basket and dunk it into a bucket or washing-up bowl of water, leaving it there until the compost is really wet again. Hopefully the plants should pick up if they haven’t totally dried out.

Once the compost is really wet again, add a couple of handfuls of new compost and some plant food granules to the surface, water again and re-hang. Try giving wilted plants a trim if they look like they can be saved, to help renew their energy– and deadhead and feed regularly to keep them going.

 ??  ?? The warm weather can see an influx of aphids which can suck the life out of stems and buds
The warm weather can see an influx of aphids which can suck the life out of stems and buds
 ??  ?? The black spot resistant rose Olivia Rose Austin
The black spot resistant rose Olivia Rose Austin
 ??  ??

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