The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Aberdeen is not investing wisely


SIR, - The opening of Dundee’s V&A Museum of Design has drawn into even sharper focus the chasm between the different approaches the cities of Aberdeen and Dundee in terms on culture and tourism. The magnificen­t V&A building cost £80 million. Admittedly the initial estimate was £40m, but look at what was eventually achieved for a sum which involved virtually no borrowing. This is an iconic building which will be the catalyst for much more to come.

Contrast this with what is happening in Aberdeen. This city borrowed £375m. The major part of this sum, £333m is being used to build the new AECC. The Art Gallery is being “remodelled” at a cost of some £40m and rising. The Music Hall renovation is costing £10m. The upgrading of UTG is costing £22m. This doesn’t include expenditur­e on the 25-year masterplan. The foregoing amounts to an expenditur­e in excess of £400m.

Can anyone point to one developmen­t currently proposed in Aberdeen which will have the same lasting effect on tourism and civic pride as that of the V&A?

Some might argue that the AECC will draw more visitors to Aberdeen but in some respects we are merely replacing new for old, and in any case Dundee is now discussing building its own exhibition centre. If it does, that will take the wind out of Aberdeen’s sails and adversely effect the economic viability of our own venue .

For too long city councillor­s have basked in the warmth of being in control of the Oil Capital of Europe. However, they failed to ask the question “What if ?”. As a result, the city has suffered from a litany of false hopes and lost opportunit­ies . Unfortunat­ely this administra­tion has placed a massive bet of £333m on one horse. Let’s hope it’s not shot from underneath us .

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