The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Extent: Problems nationwide


There have also been been problems with asbestos in council buildings in other areas of Scotland.

In the Highlands, staff said they were “incorrectl­y advised” that a woodwork area at Nairn Academy could be used after asbestos temporaril­y closed a number of other classrooms.

Fragments were discovered in some parts of the school in April, following work over the Easter break to remove moss from the roof.

A spokeswoma­n for the council confirmed the chrysotile – white asbestos – found in small fragments of roof ceiling paint coating, had fallen and settled on surfaces.

An NHS Highland spokesman stressed that, due to the small amount of asbestos involved, and short period of exposure, the fragments were “unlikely to have posed a significan­t health risk.”

And just last month a Skye primary school had to go without hot meals after asbestos was found in the kitchen.

Maintenanc­e work on the roof of Broadford Primary had dislodged flakes of paint that were found to contain small amounts of the toxic substance.

In total, the Highland Council confirmed £672, 207 was spent on asbestos removal in its schools since 2013.

Earlier this year in Moray, “truck loads” of asbestos were found dumped at secluded spots near Spey Bay and Duffus.

Aberdeensh­ire Council spent £77,808 removing the fibres from schools.

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