The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

New research facility to advance vertical farming


Scotland’s role in the advancemen­t of the vertical farming movement took another step forward yesterday with the launch of a new research and developmen­t facility at the James Hutton Institute (JHI) campus at Invergowri­e.

Farm technology company, Liberty Produce, unveiled a £500,000 Innovation Hub for Controlled Environmen­t Agricultur­e (IHCEA) which is intended to tackle some of the issues surroundin­g the establishm­ent and cost of vertical farming, and help accelerate the developmen­t of sustainabl­e food production through fully-controlled systems.

Liberty Produce cofounder and director Zeina Chapman said initial researchon­thesitewas focused on increasing yield and decreasing the capital and operationa­l costs of state-of-the-art agricultur­e.

She added: “At the moment vertical farming is only viable for high-value crops such as herbs and micro greens. Large volume crops such as leafy salads are still more expensive under this system than being grown in the ground.”

She added that initial research would focus on the developmen­t of intense, energy-efficient lighting systems and integrated water cooling.

The hub was funded by Innovate UK through the agri-tech centre, Crop Health and Protection (CHAP).

CHAP chief executive, Fraser Black said it was a prime example of the mission to harness gamechangi­ng ideas to solve the problems being faced by the farming industry.

The JHI site already hosts Intelligen­t Growth Solutions Ltd, a vertical farming company which has won significan­t investment funding since it was launched last year.

 ??  ?? The £500,000 Innovation Hub for Controlled Environmen­t Agricultur­e has been unveiled at the James Hutton Institute’s Invergowri­e campus, near Dundee
The £500,000 Innovation Hub for Controlled Environmen­t Agricultur­e has been unveiled at the James Hutton Institute’s Invergowri­e campus, near Dundee
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