The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)



Margaret Soraya is a wild landscapes photograph­er who specialise­s in pictures of seascapes around Scotland’s island coasts, and an exponent of “mindful” photograph­y. Her workshops on the west coast and Orkney have been selling out within minutes. See quietlands­

First record bought?

Kate Bush, Wuthering Heights.

Book that changed your life? Quiet – The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.

Most expensive purchase?

My van, bought four years ago and which allows me to photograph landscapes easily and comfortabl­y.

First job?

Dresser in a panto in a Manchester theatre.

Favourite time of day?

I am an early riser and love being out before sunrise.

Last time you cried?

A couple of weeks ago as I’ve been suffering for seven months with long Covid and woke up in pain.

Worst fashion faux pas?

I can’t say that fashion is my strong point.

Favourite holiday destinatio­n?

The Outer and Inner Hebrides, Orkney, and other Scottish islands I can get to.

Idea of holiday hell? Disney World, New York, London, Ibiza.

Biggest phobia? Crowded, loud places.

What are you watching on TV?

I don’t watch TV but I often watch Netflix series.

Favourite movie?

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty.

How do you relax? Wild swimming.

Best advice you’ve been given?

To follow my intuition.

Who you last spoke to on the phone?

Being interviewe­d for a magazine article on seascape photograph­y in the Hebrides.

First thing you did this morning?

Got up at 5am then went to Glen Affric to photograph the autumn colours.

Worst mistake? Losing myself.

Your inspiratio­n?

The coast and waves are my inspiratio­n for my work.

Would most like to meet...? American photograph­er Chase Jarvis.

Childhood crush? Michael Hutchence.

Weirdest fan gift?

Not weird, but my best gift was a flask from a bride I’d photograph­ed.

Quirky habits? Travelling with a notepad and pen on the seat next to me so I can write down ideas and thoughts that come to me.

Worst meal?

Any lasting a long time and involving small talk.

What makes you laugh? Wild swimming with a friend.

Sean Connery or Daniel Craig?


Beauty is?

People who are alive in enjoying what they love.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Yesnaby cliffs with Castle Rock, Orkney Islands.
Yesnaby cliffs with Castle Rock, Orkney Islands.

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