The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Study finds ‘frightenin­g amount’ of food binned


The “frightenin­g ” amount of food we throw away every year has been revealed. Nationwide research has shown the average family wastes 26 cartons of orange juice, 52 rashers of bacon, 75 packets of peppers and as many as 78 bags of lettuce each year.

Thirteen full pints of milk, 42 pots of dips such as hummus, 36 tubs of olives and 104 bananas also go uneaten, according to the report by food waste app, Too Good To Go.

According to the 1,500 Brits surveyed, as many as 44% claim to feel guilty for the number of items they throw in the bin.

Some 16% of British couples have argued over the amount of food waste which occurs in their household, while 48% admit they are more concerned with how much money they are wasting than any environmen­tal issues – food waste accounts for 8-10% global greenhouse gases.

The data also revealed each household could afford to feed 1.2 additional people a day with the food they throw away.

Almost a quarter (23%) claim they are baffled by the difference in the meaning of terms such as “use by”, “sell by” and “best before”, with 12% admitting to throwing food away on its “best before” date, which is just an indication of when the food is as its freshest.

The survey was conducted to launch the app’s Nose Sense campaign, which is encouragin­g Brits to smell “best before” food before throwing it in the bin.

To help Brits identify when food is still edible, To o Good To Go has produced new “Smell By” labels.

These are a series of scratch and sniff stickers containing scents of what gone-off best-before foods really smell like.

According to Too Good To Go, 660,000 tonnes of food is needlessly wasted in the UK alone.

Much of this is down to confusing date labelling and this number has barely changed since 2012.

Jamie Crummie, cofounder of Too Good To Go, said: “These food waste findings are frightenin­g and hurt both the environmen­t and our pockets.

“To help everyone fight food waste together, date labelling needs to be clearer across the board and focus on helping consumers better understand when they really must throw food away.

“These Smell By labels are a vital part of that journey.”

More than half (56%) of those questioned in the survey admitted they should probably smell food before throwing it out to check if it is still OK to eat, while less than one in 10 ( 7%) have never done this.

The data also suggests London is the food waste capital of the UK, with as many as 52% admitting they throw too much away, closely followed by Glasgow (50%).

The people of Newcastle are the least guilty, with just 27 % saying they regularly waste food.

The Scottish Government has targeted reducing the country’s food waste by one third by 2025 – a crusade being led by Zero Waste Scotland.

The body’s food waste programme manager, Sue Roberts, revealed much of the food we throw away in Scotland could have been consumed.

This waste costs households in Scotland £1.1bn a year, the equivalent of around £470 a year per household.

She said: “A massive 170,000 tonnes of food is thrown away from homes in Scotland every year simply because it hasn’t been used in time.

“In fact, 60% of the food wasted from our homes is good food that could have been eaten.

“Reducing food waste is one of the most impactful things we can all do at home to curb our contributi­on to climate change and knowing what date labels mean is a really important tool to help us to do that.

“Use by is the only date label which relates to food safety.

“Best before is an indication of quality only and food is usually perfectly safe to eat after that date.”

When it is dumped in landfill, food waste produces harmful methane, which is a greenhouse gas.

Fo o d waste has the biggest carbon impact in terms of household waste in Scotland.

Despite making up only 5% of Scotland’s waste by weight in 2018, food waste was still responsibl­e for one quarter of Scotland’s total waste carbon footprint.

T he most commonly wasted foods from Scottish homes include fruit, vegetables, bread, dairy and meat and fish.

Meat and fish are the most expensive items wasted, with £190m-worth thrown out each year.

Veg and salad accounts for £ 150m- worth of food thrown out as waste each year, while fresh fruit accounts for £79m.

Wasted bread amounts to £49m a year with more than two million slices of bread being binned each day, while £26m-worth of milk is wasted per year.

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