The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

‘Frustrated’ police issue fines at parties


Dozens of people have been fined after police attended multiple indoor gatherings in Aberdeen at the weekend.

The Press and Journal accompanie­d officers as they attended call-outs across the city aimed at tackling those who continue to break Covid-19 laws.

Police were called to addresses in several areas of Aberdeen including Seaton, Cove and the West End, breaking up parties and issuing fixed penalty notices.

During the crackdown they discovered: Revellers who had been punished previously for similar offences; partygoers who fled the scene and hid in bushes to avoid fines; one young man who hosted a gathering with friends while his mum was out working for the NHS.

Senior officers say they are being put at risk by those who continue to hold parties, while it also means they are unable to attend other incidents.

Sergeant Geoff Catto, who led operations at the weekend, described the number of incidents as “frustratin­g”.

“A year on, people should know they can’t be doing this,” he added.

“It is understand­able that people feel lonely and are in need of company but it is frustratin­g that they are going to the extent of having large parties indoors.

“That then puts not only themselves at risk, but officers at risk as well.

“To minimise the contact we have got to try and manage the situation.

“Sometimes you are going into a small flat so you have to deal with it by taking them into different rooms or taking them outside.

“That means we need more officers.

“We can’t just go in with two – we need to be going there with four or six at a time to try and keep them all distanced and take all their details.

“There is a lot of time spent dealing with these Covid party calls and that puts a huge strain on our resources.

“We have units tied up at addresses and that means calls start to back up.”

Police Scotland has a policy of engaging with rule-breakers before issuing any fines – but Sgt Catto admitted they are often left with no choice.

Fines start at £60 and double for each offence, so those caught flouting the rules a second time will be told to pay £120.

“Enforcemen­t is the last route we go down but people have been educated repeatedly over the last year,” he said.

“When you go to a call and there’s a large number of people having a party, it’s clearly not a mistake.

“It’s a blatant breach of the rules and they know they are doing wrong.

“Generally it is decent enough folk, and it isn’t only young people either.

“However, they have to understand that we all have to follow the guidelines.”

Aberdeen Central MSP Kevin Stewart condemned those who continue to break the rules, branding news of the incidents “deeply infuriatin­g”.

With restrictio­ns set to be gradually lifted in the coming months, Mr Stewart urged the public to stick to the rules.

“Every single one of us wants to see the back of the pandemic to spend time with our friends and family and enjoy the things that we used to take for granted,” he said.

“The vaccine rollout is going very well and we have a plan out of coronaviru­s now, so to hear of folk having parties while the rest of us are stuck at home doing the right thing is deeply infuriatin­g.

“Let’s stick with it and get through these final stages – a more normal way of life is within touching distance.”

 ??  ?? OPERATION: Police speaking to students at Hardgate in Aberdeen on a weekend when dozens of fines were handed out to those flouting coronaviru­s rules.
OPERATION: Police speaking to students at Hardgate in Aberdeen on a weekend when dozens of fines were handed out to those flouting coronaviru­s rules.
 ?? Picture by Kenny Elrick. ??
Picture by Kenny Elrick.

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