The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)



Scottish singer Elaine Lennon’s new single THIS – The ’21 Remix is out now. A three-song bundle charting the journey of the song is available exclusivel­y on Bandcamp

First record bought?

The Sound of Music soundtrack. I’ve been in love with movie soundtrack­s ever since.

Book that changed your life?

Tricky one as I read a lot. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert are favourites.

Most expensive purchase?

My house, but I only bought half of that and I’ve still got years to go before I pay that one off!

First job?

Piano teacher.

Favourite time of day?

Mornings, as my wee boys always run in and jump on the bed for a snuggle.

Last time you cried?

Watching an STV news clip on how the nursing team at NHS University Hospital Monklands are coping so amazingly, and how they are helping those in their care, staying strong through this awful pandemic. These people really are heroes.

Worst fashion faux pas?

The ’80s BIG HAIR.

Favourite holiday destinatio­n?

Malaga, Spain.

Idea of holiday hell?

Being with people that are just no fun.

Biggest phobia?

Heights – I’m getting dizzy thinking about it even now.

What are you watching on TV?

Suits, which I’ve just discovered and I’m now addicted to.

Favourite movie?

Message In a Bottle, with Kevin Costner. It has a great soundtrack too.

How do you relax?

Yoga and mindfulnes­s, going for walks, chilling, playing board games with the brood, or listening to audiobooks.

Best advice you’ve been given?

Everything happens for a reason; find the lesson in each

mistake; be kind to yourself; this too shall pass…

Who you last spoke to on the phone?

My mum, now in her 80s and preferring FaceTime to old telephone communicat­ion.

First thing you did this morning?

Got up and did 20 minutes of yoga stretching with my two wee boys.

Worst mistake?

Forgetting people’s names or getting them wrong. I’ve tried all the “name memory” tips but still not great at it.

Your inspiratio­n?

My family who have been a great source of inspiratio­n for my songs, but also really good stories inspire me.

Would most like to meet...

Oprah. I grew up watching her shows and admire all she has achieved.

Childhood crush?

Michael J Fox in Back to the Future.

Weirdest fan gift?

None I can think of as my fans are all really nice and very normal.

Quirky habits?

Getting commonly used phrases mixed up so I’ll say something like: All feet on deck.

Worst meal?

Tripe, I can’t stand it!

What makes you laugh?

My kids – they are hilarious, and watching comedians like Kevin Bridges, Michael McIntyre and the king, Billy Connolly.

Most embarrassi­ng moment?

Delivering a speech during the first year of high school about how to start a fire, but instead I said: “My project is about how to fart a fire.” I still get nightmares about that one.

Sean Connery or Daniel Craig?

Can’t decide between them.

Beauty is?


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