The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Bothies may be used to accommodat­e visitors on uninhabite­d islands


Two bothies have been proposed as visitor accommodat­ion on the Shiants, a small group of uninhabite­d islands off Lewis.

Wildlife enthusiast­s are drawn to the isles because of its birds, which include razorbills, Manx shearwater­s, puffins, storm petrels and sea eagles.

Visitors stay in tents and often use an existing 150-year-old bothy for cooking meals.

The new shelters would accommodat­e a maximum of four people each.

The scheme will also involve upgrading the existing old bothy.

Tom Nicolson, the islands’ owner, said the bothies would help to keep the Shiants open to wildlife enthusiast­s and conservati­onists for the next 50 years.

The isles lie about four miles off Lewis in the Minch, a stretch of water separating the Western Isles from Skye and the mainland.

During the visitor season, only six to eight people are usually on the islands at any one time and tend to stay for about a week.

The Shiants’ last inhabitant­s left in 1905 and there are no amenities, such as running water.

Part of the idea for the new bothies came from the use of temporary portable accommodat­ion put on the islands for use by volunteers during conservati­on work to eradicate black rats.

The rodents were not native to the isles and were thought to be the descendant­s of rats that came ashore from shipwrecks in the 1900s.

The rats ate the eggs of ground-nesting birds, leading to some seabird species being plunged into serious declines.

Following several years of exterminat­ion work, conservati­onists declared the islands rat-free in March 2018 after none were spotted for two years. While the portable accommodat­ion was unsightly, volunteers said it offered greater comforts and privacy than a tent on a “windy, rainy night”.

Mr Nicolson has proposed erecting two small bothies of a design “sympatheti­c to the landscape”.

Bothy Stores, a social enterprise involving Edinburgh-based artist Bobby Niven and architect Iain MacLeod, is working on the plans.

Mr Nicolson is to launch a £100,000 crowdfundi­ng campaign in May with the hope of having the accommodat­ion available by next summer to those who donate funds.

He said staying on the Shiants was not for everyone and the islands’ visitors were usually people looking to experience “life on the edge, seclusion and wildlife”.

Katie Tunn chose three years ago to be marooned on the Shiants.

Alone apart from a colony of seabirds and surviving on rations bulked out with foraged nettles and seaweed, Miss Tunn struggled to keep dry amid the driving rain and salt spray during her stay in 2018.

The then 32-year-old has spoken about the physical challenges of life on an uninhabite­d island – but also about the extraordin­ary beauty and freedom. She reconnecte­d with herself and found peace.

Only a mile-and-a-half long and half-a-mile at its widest point, the island has been uninhabite­d since the last residents quit in the 18th Century, leaving just ruins and memories.

With only a sleeping bag and tarp, a notepad and pen and a few essentials such as rice, oats and flour, Miss Tunn wanted to find out just how little she really needed to survive.

 ??  ?? SHELTER: Only six to eight people are usually on the Shiants during visitor season and the proposed new bothies could take up to four each.
SHELTER: Only six to eight people are usually on the Shiants during visitor season and the proposed new bothies could take up to four each.

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