The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Pie theft man spat blood in the face of officer


A man who spat blood in a police officer’s face after being caught attempting to snatch pies from a shop in Aberdeen has been handed a lengthy prison sentence.

Mark Cuthbert was spotted acting suspicious­ly by staff at Premier Stores on Union Street while attempting to stuff the meat pies into his jacket on March 18, 2021.

When he was approached by a worker the 37-year-old became violent and lashed out, landing repeated blows on his victim’s head and body before pinning the staff member to the ground and putting him in a headlock.

As police arrived on the scene Cuthbert then attempted to kick the constable before spitting blood at him.

He was heard to yell “I got you! I got you!” as spatters of blood landed on the officer.

Cuthbert admitted charges of stealing and assault at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.

Fiscal depute Colin Neilson said: “At around 11.30pm the accused entered the shop, picked up a tube of Pringles crisps. The accused was wearing a face mask and it had blood on it.”

Cuthbert’s shopliftin­g was rumbled when the Pringles and some pies fell from his jacket.

Defence solicitor Paul Barnett said his behaviour had been down to alcohol misuse but added that Cuthbert had “come through a turning point in his life” since the incident.

Sheriff Philip Mann added: “I understand you have an alcohol problem and that you are an alcoholic. But I’m afraid it has to be a custodial sentence as you have several assaults against police officers in your record.”

He sentenced Cuthbert, whose current address is given as Low Moss Prison, Glasgow, to 20 months in prison.

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