The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

3 changing trends in finance recruitmen­t


Finance recruitmen­t has changed massively in the past year. Here Andrew McLeod, Head of Recruitmen­t at Hutcheon Mearns, explains more about three new trends in finance recruitmen­t.

1. Visibility doesn’t equal productivi­ty

“Pre-pandemic there was a real old-school mentality that to be productive you must be seen, which we all now know is not the case,” says Andrew.

“Everyone being forced to work from home has proven it can be done effectivel­y, and even hardened sceptics have come around to the fact that is does work.”

2. Long term tenures aren’t the norm

Making earlier career moves that are measured and considered between companies isn’t frowned upon now. “The world has moved on from long-term tenures. Seeing people in 10 or 15 years-plus tenures is unlikely,” explains Andrew.

“We’re starting to see more people move earlier. It tends to be more three or five-year cycles now, unless you’re in a massive organisati­on where you can see change within the same brand.

“More people are thinking where do I want to get to 10 years down the line? It’s more like a chess game. What moves do I need to make at what point, and what skills do I need to add at which stage?”

3. Candidate priorities are changing

Candidates are often more confident in stating what they want from a job and employer.

“There is definitely a conversati­on happening. People’s desires are changing,” remarks Andrew.

“Whereas the conversati­on used to always be around what’s my salary, what’s my bonus, what’s my holidays, it’s now what’s the flexible working arrangemen­t, what’s my salary, what’s my holidays. So the priority of cash in hand versus flexibilit­y has shifted.”

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