The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Drugged bin raider ‘looking for a bird’


Adrugged-up man who carried out a series of crimes over the course of 12 hours can give no explanatio­n for his bizarre actions, a court has heard.

Fiscal depute Emma MacEwan told Elgin Sheriff Court that Colin Sutcliffe, 30, was first spotted acting oddly behind the toilet block at Sandend Caravan Park near Banff on April 22 2021.

After a dog walker made eye contact with him at 10pm, he stepped back into the shadows but continued to stare at her home next to the park.

Thinking this behaviour odd, the woman rushed home to tell her family there was a man watching their house.

Another witness meantime came across Sutcliffe raking through the woman’s outside bins.

Ms MacEwan told the court: “The witness asked why he was looking through the wheelie bins at that time of night to which he replied ‘I am looking for my bird’.”

Just a few minutes later, they heard the grinding of gears and a vehicle being “revved excessivel­y” outside the house.

“This went on for some time before they heard the vehicle being reversed at high speed and the sound of it colliding with the wooden fence at the rear of the caravan park,” the fiscal added.

The following morning, at 6am, Sutcliffe was found at nearby Broom Farm when a worker arrived to start her shift and discovered the kitchen door open and cupboards disturbed.

“A mobile phone and knife that didn’t belong to any staff there was found,” the fiscal added. “The witness then saw the accused walking within the farm area.

“She asked if he was lost and he said he didn’t know how he got there. He was wearing clothing that belonged to the farm.”

Police were called and Sutcliffe was traced and arrested while walking along the A98.

Sutcliffe has been held on remand at HMP Grampian for 78 days and appeared via video link to admit charges of careless driving, theft and intention to commit theft.

His defence agent Grant Dalglish said that “substances had been taken” and Sutcliffe’s memory in relation to being at the farm was simply that “he was cold”.

Taking into account the amount of time spent on remand, Sheriff Olga Pasportnik­ov admonished Sutcliffe, of Morvenview Road, Gardenstow­n, and added five penalty points to his driving licence.

 ?? ?? SPACED OUT: Colin Sutcliffe can’t remember his actions.
SPACED OUT: Colin Sutcliffe can’t remember his actions.

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