The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)


- To contact Robbie, email and mark your message FAO Robbie Shepherd

Happy we’ve been aa thegither Canty we’ve been een and aa. IN FREENSHIP’S NAME – TRAD BALLAD

Noo at we hae stytert an hytert intae a bran new eer – fechtin strikes, strifes an sniffles at ilka turn – it’s time tae sattle doon an reflec on the eer at’s awa an appreciate foo muckle we owe een anither in makkin freenships on wir different roadies throwe life.

Ay, at es time I think back tae them throwe ma entertaini­n career at’s gane afore’s an speecially the pleesur o fa’in in towe wi gran fowk at hae pittin hairt an sowel intae aathing they did, nae carin a docken gin their name ivver got intae the public ee. Es wis brocht hame tae me on readin the mensfu obituary on the daith o Libby Lafferty penn’t bi Jim Broon, chairman o the Grampian Games Associatio­n, an David Mair, a former close colleague o Libby’s fa wis sae weel respectit on the Hielan Games scene, representi­n Wm Grant and Sons, the main sponsors o the hivvy events for eers under the label o the famed Glenfiddic­h fusky.

Haein workit for the firm for 44 eer an PR manager since 1988 at the visitors centre at Dufftown, Libby wis tae mak her mark at the Games, aye mang the first tae turn up afore the steer wi banner, packit lunches, screeds o paperwark an a casie wi the hospitable dram an mang the hinmaist tae haud hame, sae eident in her darg keepin an even keel yet sae calm in cairryin oot her responsibi­lities. As ma main stance as commentato­r wis aye neist tae the heavies, as wis Libby’s, I got tae ken her weel an wis fair trickit fin she wis awarded baith an Honoured Life Membership o the Braemar Royal Highland Society an Honorary Life Presidency of the GHA. Sae weel deserv’t bit sadly Libby died on Hogmanay an crematit at a wee private service in Melrose.

At’s bit a flavour o ma musin at es time an awa fae the Games I’m on tae the folk scene noo peyin tribute tae anither lady, sae different in ootlook bit equally worthy o a menshin, on the passin o Lorna Alexander o Strathdon. Lorna’s daith cam as a shock as it’s jist in November at I wis readin an seein photos o her steerin up the fella residents at Glenisla Care Home in Keith at the age o 92 wi her sing-alangs. A lady o verve an vitality, Lorna wis brocht up in Meikle Wartle bit primary skweel teachin days brocht her tae the howe far she wis tae become heidie an a weel-liv’t life folla’t in entertaini­n nae only in Donside bit farrer afield an she wis a former chairperso­n o the Aiberdeeen branch o the Traditiona­l Music and Song Associatio­n.

Ye’ll aa hae happy memories tae look back on like me nae doobt an on the Scottish Dance Band scene, I’m mindit on band leaders, Max Houliston fa startit up the ever-popular accordion clubs, haudin informal sessions in his pub, The Hole in the Wa’, in Dumfries an also the very talentit accordioni­st Jack Delaney o Alloa fa baith pass’t awa last eer and baith were a great help tae me fin I startit broadcasti­n. Sincere lads fa becam gweed freens.

Canty we’ve been een and aa and I hae been the lucky lad in sharin aa these freenships.

See ye neist wikkeyn.

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