The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)



Chris Jarvis is an actor, presenter and writer who has been a regular face on children’s TV since 1992. He presents The Chimpanzee­s of Happytown with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, which is coming to Aberdeen Music Hall tomorrow, Sunday February 12.

First record bought?

The Muppet Show’s second album.

Book that changed your life?

Nelson Mandela’s Long Walk To Freedom. I just wish I had read it a long time ago and before I visited Robben Island.

Most expensive purchase?

My piano. Such a shame I can’t play it as well as I’d like. Fortunatel­y I have many friends who can bring it to life and fill the house with fabulous music.

First job?

A paper round – pocket money for records and a chance to keep fit at the same time.

Favourite time of day?

Probably the morning when I taste that first cup of coffee.

Last time you cried?

My dad died a couple of years ago and I’m still coming to terms with losing him.

Worst fashion faux pas?

I used to play an anti-hero on children’s TV who wore a red anorak covered in badges with a green bobble hat and wellies, I’ve hopefully never trumped that in my private life.

Favourite holiday destinatio­n?

Spain. For all the obvious reasons like the weather, food, music, etc. Plus it’s easy to get to.

Idea of holiday hell?

Being on a plane full of drunken louts.

Biggest phobia? Reality television.

What are you watching on TV?

Decline and Fall based on Evelyn Waugh’s novel. The storyline is bananas but the actors deliver it with such skill and conviction.

Favourite movie?

Right now I’m torn between Team America and The Birdcage.

How do you relax?

By reading my kindle. If I really need to unwind, something easy like a PG Wodehouse novel.

Best advice you’ve been given?

Don’t stand up in a canoe.

Who you last spoke to on the phone?

My neighbour who lives in Greece half the time, she’s coming home on Sunday and asked me to let the cleaner in.

First thing you did this morning?

Yelled at a squirrel who was attacking the birdfeeder like a pinata.

Worst mistake?

Today Your inspiratio­n?

As a kid growing up in the 70s, Kenny Everett and Kenneth Williams… as well as my folks, of course.

Would most like to meet? Nile Rodgers.

Childhood crush?

Carol Chell and Toni Arthur who presented Play School.

Worst meal?

Anything with baked beans.

What makes you laugh? Most classic British TV sitcoms… Steptoe, Dad’s Army, Only Fools…

I wish there were more.

Sean Connery or Daniel Craig?

Both were fab Bonds but I prefer the original movies with Sean.

Beauty is?

…only skin deep, so I must be inside out.

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Kenny Everett.

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