The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

How to help children deal with their stress

Pressure: Whether it is homework worries or being bullied, you need to help your children cope with their emotions


Stress is something we often deal with in adult life, but what do we do when our children are facing stress at school?

From playground dynamics and bullying, to academic pressures and keeping up with homework, there may be lots of tricky scenarios for youngsters to navigate.

However, there are some simple and practical ways parents and carers can help children learn to cope with stress when we leave them at the school gates.


According to Liat Hughes Joshi, author of five parenting books, there are signs you can look out for when it comes to your child being stressed, starting with anything that is out of the ordinary for them.

Look out for small changes in behaviour and patterns, such as not eating as much or eating more than normal, or if they’re struggling to sleep and more noticeably tired than usual – these could all be indication­s that they are struggling with things.

Ever asked your child what happened at school and heard “nothing” as their stock response?

Alicia Eaton, a Harley Street psychother­apist specialisi­ng in children’s emotional wellbeing and behaviour change, points out that children don’t always find it easy to open up – so be patient, and spending quality time with them can help encourage them talk about their emotions.

“The more time you spend with them, the more likely they are to share their feelings and concern,” Eaton says. “I would build in extra time together, even at the weekends.”

How you approach the conversati­on about stress at school with your child depends on their individual learning style and how they display emotion, advises Eaton.

“If you’ve got a visual child, it would be good for them to draw a picture, as it will be a way for them to express their emotions and then they can change those pictures into the positive,” she says. “If you’ve got an auditory child, they like to listen and they like to hear words, they want explanatio­ns. Listening to soothing words and music is what will calm them down.”


Eaton warns against using negative phrases like “don’t worry” when discussing your child’s concerns with them – it possibly won’t have the desired effect. Instead, try setting up a worry box with them.

“Parents can go round in circles trying to allay their children’s fears – and you’re not going to, because it hasn’t happened yet, it’s in the future,” she explains.

With a worry box, your child can write down all their concerns onto pieces of paper, and then shut them in the box with a lid. When those events they were worried about have happened, they can take the worries out of the box and rip them up.


There are practical and simple activities your child can do when they are stressed, but they might not know where to turn. Hughes Joshi suggests creating a “menu of wellbeing” for them. This could be a chart that you set up on the fridge, or something for them to keep in their room.

On the menu will be various things your child likes doing, and can do when they are feeling worried or low. It could be something simple like a cuddle from a parent, or time spent drawing or writing.

“It might be something like having a bath with a bath bomb or a candle if they are old enough,” Hughes Joshi adds. “Help them understand what works for them and then use those coping tactics for when they’re feeling stressed”

Often, children don’t understand themselves that what’s going on is stress about something. Instead, they may complain of a tummy ache or that they feel sick. If that’s the case, Eaton suggests encouragin­g a walk outside in the fresh air, or running them a warm bath.


One simple trick that might create a calmer and happier atmosphere for your child is to clear household clutter, Eaton says.

“Even a tidy house gets rid of all the stress and panic before you go to school,” she adds.

Organisati­on in the home will put a stop to worrying about where the lunchbox is, or finding their school bag and shoes in a mad rush before heading out the door.

Children don’t always find it easy to open up

 ?? ?? COPING MECHANISM: Putting their worries down by drawing a picture may help.
COPING MECHANISM: Putting their worries down by drawing a picture may help.
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