The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

NFUS seeking pledges from new agri Bill


The Scottish Government officially backed the general principles of the new agricultur­al farming policy in Holyrood yesterday.

The Agricultur­e and Rural Communitie­s (Scotland) Bill was put to debate in Parliament as the proposed legislatio­n had to be approved by MSPs before progressin­g to stage two of the process.

SNP leaders have claimed that Scotland is leading the way on support for farmers and sustainabl­e food production.

Prior to stage one of the Bill being passed, NFU Scotland (NFUS) provided both oral and written evidence to the rural affairs and islands committee (RAI), and gave a briefing on its key asks for proposed legislatio­n.

It reads: “The union welcomes the commitment to co-develop the powers with industry and with those who will be affected by them. This is important not just for farming and crofting businesses, but the wider rural community that relies on the sector.

“We are calling for the five-year Rural Support Plan to be underpinne­d by a multi-annual, ringfenced funding commitment.

“We therefore welcome the RAI committee’s call for a multi-year, ringfenced budget for support schemes and for the UK Government to provide clarity regarding future funding to make this possible.

“We also welcome the RAI’s call for the Barnett Formula not to be applied to future agricultur­al and rural support provided by the UK Government but, instead, a formula be used which reflects Scotland’s agricultur­al landscape.”

NFUS also called for at least another £1 billion to be added to the UK budget for agricultur­e, which would equate to at least an extra £170 million for Scotland under current allocation.

The union has also welcomed the Scottish Government’s commitment to Tiers One and Two constituti­ng at least 70% of the overall funding envelope from 2027, and additional funding for the LFA Scheme.

SNP MSP Alasdair Allan said: “The SNP Scottish government’s approach will, in stark contrast, improve our individual and collective well-being – in economic, environmen­tal and health terms – by ensuring we meet the needs of rural and island communitie­s, and our planet.”

Scottish Conservati­ve shadow rural affairs secretary Rachael Hamilton MSP said: “This is a Bill that fails to provide detail for our farmers, crofters and wider agricultur­e sector.

“It is little wonder that they have lost faith in this SNP-Green government to stand up for them. They have slashed funding from the agricultur­e budget and been posted missing in action when it comes to producing a future rural support plan.”

 ?? ?? FARMERS’ VOICE: Jonnie Hall, head of policy, NFUS, gave evidence on its behalf as the new Bill was debated yesterday.
FARMERS’ VOICE: Jonnie Hall, head of policy, NFUS, gave evidence on its behalf as the new Bill was debated yesterday.

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