The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Mark Findlater is an Aberdeensh­ire Cllr for the Troup Ward in Banff and Buchan and one of Doric TV’s Doric Champions


Aye aye folks, fit like?

I hiv been swittherin­g aboot fit tae write aboot next in es column, I hiv been fair enjoying aa o thay offerings ower es last file and they hiv covered an affy lot o different subjects.

I wis hinking aboot haen a news on ma favourite Doric words that hiv been pinched fae thay French leid. We aa cain that a rooser is a watering can but div ye cain that the French verb arroser means to water.

Ivvery fairmhoose I can mine on hid a puckle o ashetts, muckle great plates that hid pride o place in e middle o thay dresser.

I div hae an image in ma heid o bloo an fite ashetts reamed fu o roast beef an turkey fae fan I wis a loon. Une grande assiette is a big plate in French.

I hiv also heard an aul fairmer caa a tattie a “pomme” fae “pomme de terre”. I wud be interested in yer thochts on es, an fit wye it came aboot.

Anither hing I thocht aboot yappin on es een o ma heroes fae local history.

Noo I div hae an affy rare book by thay screever James Godsman aa aboot thay Parish o King Edward. I hiv laint it oot tae ither folk an say far hiv aye got it back, so jist speer.

In es book there is a wee story aboot a quine that I hid nivver heard o afore, Isabella Macduff, wife o Robert the Bruce’s mortal enemy John Comyn, the Earl of Buchan, fas castle wis at King Edward.

Noo the right of croonin Scottish kings wis heredity tae thay faimily o Macduff an unlike her breether Duncan, the 11th Earl o Fife, was fair trikket wi Bruce’s cause.

So in 1306 she claimed the right tae croon Bruce at Scone.

If ivver you fancy a look at far the castle wis , there is nae muckle left for the masoned steen wis used to big a brig an bits o Castleton Fairm, there is a wee picnic area at Castleton, Sooth o King Edward, far ye can stop.

Ye can then tak thay pathy doon an ye can see far Isabella louped up on tae een o her man’s war horses wi a body o retainers an made her wye doon tae Perth.

For aa o her travails she got doon air twa days ower late, bit for her loyalty she was geen the opportunit­y to pit the croon on Bruce’s heid again.

Noo King Edward I wis fair fizzing aboot aa o es gaun on an Isabella Macduff wis chaset an teen a hud o by the English.

Edward I ordered her locket in ower a wicker cage an hung ower e side o Berwick Castle. Here she bade for siven ear till she wis rescued on the 28th of April 1313.

She is caint in history as the “caged lady o Buchan”.

Hope ye foon it interestin­g, hud gaun abody.

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