The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Ditching Greens was long overdue


Sir, – Imagine a box of 1,000 matches. Somewhat unequally, these are then distribute­d around the world and Scotland keeps one.

Every match is thereafter used to light a fire. Then Scotland tries to put out its fire.

It’s a futile battle which can only bring harm to Scotland’s economy, but we are told that our efforts, despite having no tangible influence on the remaining global fires which rage unabated, are somehow tackling the effects of such extraneous conflagrat­ions.

In the words of my dear departed gran – if you believe that then you’ve got a want about you.

And it’s probably not too unfair to assert that anyone who thinks that average speed cameras on the Inverurie to Inverness A96 will reduce the death toll when the average speed is just a shade over 40mph is a tad hard of thinking.

I suspect most folks can’t quite fathom just how £5 million of our taxes can have been frittered away on a pointless climate impactdela­ying tactics study.

While I’m sure the various beneficiar­ies of this study take pride in their bank balances, certain families may not be grieving now had this sum been spent in a more judicious manner.

While understand­ing that the opposition parties are delighted at the political capital to be made from the acrimoniou­s divorce of the SNP-Greens, it’s somewhat ironic this is due to the most sensible thing our first minister has done in his brief tenure.

I’ll end by referring back to my first paragraph and with a quote from Ross Greer, Green MSP, in a recent and typically obsequious Radio Scotland interview.

“Oh no, we can’t grow the economy as that would lead to more emissions”.

As per the shortest verse in the Bible.

Jesus wept.

Steven Rizza,

Hatton of Fintray.

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