The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

‘Sense of guilt’ for crossing the floor?


Sir, – Trust is earned, respect is given and loyalty is demonstrat­ed. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three.

One such loser is Dan Poulter, a medical man and former Tory health minister, who will add drama to the chamber of government by crossing the floor to join the Labour opposition.

Fed up by the government’s stewardshi­p of our NHS, he finds himself unable to look patients and constituen­ts in the eye, so ashamed is he of being a member of such a motley crew. He sees a brighter future if old granny is cradled in Labour arms, but is it not just a mirage?

Does this feeling of shame not follow him as he parks his backside on the Labour benches?

Does he not have a sense of guilt at letting down all those who put an X against his name at the last general election, those true blue voters who put their trust in him, now kicked where it hurts by a turncoat?

I applaud his decision to leave a party that has been in government far too long, but not changing sides.

Resign as an MP Dr Poulter, so that a by-election becomes necessary, that would be the course for an honourable man.

He is not the first, nor will he be the last to treat the voters with disdain, the men and women who make possible a hand on the levers of power deserve better.

Thankfully such treacherou­s individual­s are far outnumbere­d by representa­tives who fully deserve to be called “the honourable member”. Our country recently mourned the loss of one of the finest, Frank Field, a parliament­arian of the highest order who served the people of Birkenhead for four decades, his efforts in the eradicatio­n of poverty a lifelong cause, a politician on a higher level than certain members of the recent rag, tag and bobtail procession holding the highest office in the land. Ivan W Reid, Laurenceki­rk.

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