The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

‘SNP put referendum first over country,’ says Rennie


Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie has accused the SNP of using the power of government as “bait in their referendum trap”.

The MSP accused the Nationalis­t administra­tion at Holyrood of being “irresponsi­ble” yesterday, and said it was putting its independen­ce campaign before education, health, transport and justice.

On Saturday, Mr Rennie provoked a furious response from the SNP after claiming the party was “holding a generation of our children hostage”, at the Scottish Lib Dem conference in Glasgow.

The comments were made as the coalition government in Westminste­r introduced free nursery care for two-year-olds in England, but not Scotland.

Mr Rennie returned to the theme in his speech to the Lib Dem’s UK conference yesterday, demanding the Scottish Government “act now” on a range of issues, rather than wait until after next year’s independen­ce referendum.

“I have been saying for a long time that the SNP have the wrong priorities for Scotland,” he said.

“They have sacrificed health, transport, education and justice to campaign for independen­ce.

“Itmight be right for the SNP but it’s wrong for Scotland.”

Mr Rennie added: “The SNP were elected to govern, not campaign. They have a duty beyond their party. A duty to run the country in the interests of everyone, not just themselves.

“Using the power of government as bait in their referendum trap is irresponsi­ble.

“On nursery children, students and apprentice­s, my call to the SNP is simple – do not wait, act now.”

The Scottish leader also used his speech to call on Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour leader EdMiliband to offer

“Using power of government as bait in their referendum trap is irresponsi­ble”

concrete pledges on devolving more power to Holyrood in the event of a No vote in the referendum.

“David Cameron and Ed Miliband should put their hands up with Nick in favour of more powers for the Scottish Parliament,” he said.

“They should proudly shout out, and guarantee the time for the Westminste­r Parliament elected in 2015 to deliver more powers for Scotland.”

 ??  ?? Willie Rennie accused the SNP of acting irresponsi­bly
Willie Rennie accused the SNP of acting irresponsi­bly

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