The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Board missed cancer target


NHS Grampian has missed two key cancer treatment times despite government and health board efforts to improve results.

The health board was one of two in Scotland to miss the 95% target to starting treating patients within 31 days between April and June, achieving 93.5%. NHS Grampian, with the majority of health boards in the Highlands and islands, also missed the 95% target for patients urgently referred with suspicion of cancer to start treatment within 62 days of referral.

NHS G r a m p i a n achieved 89.7%, NHS Shetland 91.7% and NHS Western Isles 90.9%. NHS Orkney treated all its patients within the target.

Health Secretary Alex Neil insisted that a support team in place since March to help health boards missing cancer

“The position has improved in the last month”

waiting times improve their performanc­e, was having an impact.

An NHS Highland spokeswoma­n said it was a challenge to staff cancer services, adding: “The position in Highland has improved in the last month following the appointmen­t of two locum oncologist­s.”

Both Western Isles and Shetland health boards said due to the small number involved, delays in the treatment of just one patient meant they missed the 62-day target.

NHS Western Isles chief executive Gordon Jamieson said: “We deeply regret any delay in the treatment of a patient. “While we aim to ensure that all our patients are treated within national waiting time standards, the management of cancer patients whorequire referral elsewhere is often outwith the direct local control of NHS Western Isles.”

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