The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Effect of turbines on film industry


SIR, – I write with reference to windfarm projects near Loch Rannoch (pictured above), Glencoe and that proposed above Kinlochlev­en.

My business is film production services to global film and TV. I supply scenery backdrop film to the global film industry, while living in and working from Kinlochlev­en.

Many in the film business say I am blessed with the stunning scenery, with Glencoe on my doorstep, which allows me to capture on film scenic backdrops in all seasons, in all natural lights, weather and so on, as it happens. That is what makes my scenic backdrops special.

As the threat of wind turbines looms near Loch Rannoch, Glencoe and above Kinlochlev­en,

“There are more pandas in Edinburgh Zoo than there are smiling faces in the SNP government”

his/her dues to society and turns out at referendum­s.

Sam Coull, Lendrum Terrace, Boddam.

the film industry and tourism are the losers. Scotland will lose enormous sums of money in film-related business due to windfarms, with the knock-on effect to tourism on a large scale.

The film industry is the largest global advert for tourism. The SNP government believing that windfarms are better financiall­y than film and tourism is clearly not correct.

The global film industry treasures Scotland’s scenery, which creates long-term jobs in tourism and in film and TV.

Increasing hydro power would be a better way forward for all.

Robert McClymont, Foyers Road, Kinlochlev­en.

say: “Naw, min, the loodest bummer is niver the best bee.”

Angus McNair, Farnachty, Clochan.

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