The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Neighbours heard chainsaw

Man aged 73 in Glasgow hospital with serious arm injuries


outside the property was also badly damaged in the incident.

Neighbours described hearing shouting and the sound of a chainsaw coming from the direction of their semidetach­ed home just before two police cars arrived at the scene.

They also reported hearing a woman crying hysterical­ly and said they were shocked that something like this had happened on their doorstep.

Sharon McMillan, 45, and her 21-year-old son Shaun McMillan were at home in the adjoining property when the incident happened.

Mr Mc Millan said: “I was upstairs in my room when I heard a chainsaw.

“At first, I thought it was someone cutting logs, but it sounded a lot closer than normal and as though it was coming from the front of the house.

“I could hear talking that was a bit louder than normal and then shouting, which got louder and louder, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

“By the time I looked out of the window, the police were already there.”

His mother said she was watching the television and could hear muffled arguing through the wall and a man’s voice saying to get out of his house.

She added: “That’s when two police cars drove up at the front. They were abandoned in the street and the police ran into the back garden.

“The police were in the back garden next door and I could hear awoman, who was in hysterics and crying.”

The property was yesterday surrounded by police crime scene tape and officers were carrying out door-to-door inquiries in the area.

Mrs McMillan said: “We’ve lived here about eight years.

“They are a nice couple and we know them to say ‘hello’ and ‘ how are you?’ but, apart from that, I don’t know them well.”

Another neighbour, who did not want to be named, said: “I was really shocked to hear that something like this happened here.

“It’s awful. I just hope he will be all right.”

And another local said the family had had a “difficult life”.

Mr Macpherson, who was born in Lochailort as one of nine children, worked as a civil engineerin­g labourer until his retirement and Mrs Macpherson was originally from the Isle of Eigg.

It is understood the couple had five children, Mary Margaret, Catherine, Flora, Raymond and Tracey, but their son died in 2001.

Mr Macph er son’ s brother Alistair, 72, of Glendessar­y Street, Caol, was last night shocked to hear about the incident.

He said: “We haven’t really been in contact for nearly 30 years, but I’m sorry to hear that this happened and that he’s in hospital.”

Local councillor Ben Thompson said: “I’m shocked and horrified to hear about this.

“It’s just a horrendous thing to happen.”

A police spokeswoma­n last night said: “Police in Fort William can confirm that a 49-year-old man has been reported to the procurator fiscal in connection with a disturbanc­e on Glenkingie Street in Caol on Tuesday night.

“A 73-year-old man remains in hospital in a critical, but stable condition.

“Inquiries into the incident are ongoing and police would like to thank members of thecommuni­ty for their assistance.”

 ??  ?? HOUSE OF HORROR: One local said the family at the centre of yesterday’s incident in a Lochaber house had had a “difficult life”
HOUSE OF HORROR: One local said the family at the centre of yesterday’s incident in a Lochaber house had had a “difficult life”

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