The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Trump one step closer to White House

United States: Tycoon wins party nomination


Donald Trump has officially won the Republican presidenti­al nomination, making the businessma­n the party’s standard-bearer in the race for the White House after a campaign which saw him vanquish 16 rivals.

The roll call vote of states on Tuesday night gave Mr Trump enough delegates at the Republican National Convention to win the nomination after months of speculatio­n and dissent within the GOP ranks. There was little opposition on the floor as delegates cast votes for him state by state.

At the convention, vicepresid­ential nominee Mike Pence was due to deliver a prime-time address last night along with Ted Cruz, the primary runner- up who remains reluctant about endorsing Mr Trump, despite calls for party unity.

Sofar, manyof the speakers at the convention have devoted more time to denouncing presumptiv­e Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. She was talked about more than Mr Trump himself on Tuesday night.

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Mrs Clinton represents a third term of Barack Obama’s presidency instead of the “clean break from a failed system ”, while Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said Mrs Clinton has “a tortured relationsh­ip to the truth”.

Mr Trump himself briefly appeared in a video-taped statement, saying: “This isa movement, but we have to go all the way.”

And regardless of his future success, it seems he may not be the last Trump to run for the White House as son Donald Trump jun said he would not rule out a future in politics.

The 38-year-old said that when his five children are older, he would consider running for office, adding he would “love to be able to do it, as a patriot”.

Meanwhile, Mr Trump’s top adviser said Mr Cruz will have a role in the general election campaign against Mrs Clinton.

Paul Manafort said that the Texas senator will use his address to the convention to offer a message “consistent with what Mr Trump is talking about”. Asked whether Mr Cruz will endorse Mr Trump, Mr Manafort said Mr Cruz “will be part of the campaign going forward”, but “in what capacity, I’m not sure”.

He said his words will at least “suggest” that he is backing Mr Trump’s candidacy for president.

Throughout the primaries, Mr Trump consistent­ly called his rival “Lyin’ Ted” and took jabs at the appearance of his wife, Goldman Sachs executive Heidi Cruz.

 ??  ?? ON A ROLL: Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up as he walks off the stage with his wife Melania
ON A ROLL: Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up as he walks off the stage with his wife Melania

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