The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Terror probe cops

Attack: Police believe knifeman acted alone


A 30- year- old man has been arrested in Birmingham by officers investigat­ing the Westminste­r terror attack.

The man was arrested yesterday on suspicion of preparatio­n of terrorist acts.

He was detained under the Terrorism Act (TACT) and is in police custody.

The man is the 12th person to be arrested in connection with the investigat­ion, with nine others being released withnofurt­her action.

Another man, 58, arrested in Birmingham, remains in police custody after a series of raids across the country.

Officers have carried out a total of 15 searches at various addresses in east London, south London, Brighton, Surrey, Carmarthen­shire, Birmingham and Manchester.

Fourteen searches have now concluded, with one continuing in Birmingham. Four people were killed when Islamist extremist Khalid Masood went on an 82-second rampage in Westminste­r on Wednesday.

Police said they now believe the knifeman acted alone, adding while they were investigat­ing why he carried out the atrocity, that understand­ing may have died with him.

Masood drove his car along the bridge at speed, mowing down pedestrian­s. He was shot dead by police after he stormed the parliament­ary estate onWednesda­y afternoon.

Counter-terrorism officers have spent days piecing together what led the 52- year- old to shed his birth name and later unleash carnage on the capital.

On Saturday afternoon o ff ic e r s searched a maisonette in Bredon Croft, Hockley, Birmingham where friends of Masood lived. A family, who live next door, saidMasood used to come wearing Islamic dress and take their neighbours’ children to a mosque although they did not know where.

One of the mothers at nearby Brookfield­s Primary School said her daughter was best friends with Masood’s, but added: “I always got the chills from him.”

Sabrina Hussain described how she changed her mind about taking her child, nine-year-oldSkye, to Masood’s daughter’s birthday party before Christmas.

Ms Hussain, 28, said: “I thought I was being a bit over-protective, but then I just thought ‘no, I can’t let her go’ and we turned the car around and I made up an excuse saying the party had been cancelled.

“I just didn’t want her to go. There was just something about him that wasn’t right.”

 ??  ?? VICTIM: Constable Keith Palmer was killed
VICTIM: Constable Keith Palmer was killed
 ??  ?? People view floral tributes to the victims
People view floral tributes to the victims

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