The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

War of words as Sturgeon pens Indyref2 note to May

Request for vote formalised


Nicola Sturgeon has written a letter to TheresaMay formally requesting a second Scottish independen­ce referendum.

The Scottish Government tweeted a picture of the first minister with her feet up on a couch in her ButeHouse residence writing the Section 30 letter on Thursday evening.

This week, MSPs voted by 69 to 59 in favour of seeking permission for an independen­ce referendum to take place between autumn 2018 and spring 2019.

Ms Sturgeon said her mandate for another vote is now“beyondques­tion”, and warned it would be “democratic­ally indefensib­le and utterly unsustaina­ble” to attempt to stand in the way.

Scottish Secretary David Mundell said the UK Government would decline the request.

Ms Sturgeon is pressing ahead with a formal approach for a section 30 order – the mechanism for the powers to hold a referendum.

The Scottish Government tweet read: “First minister @NicolaStur­geon in Bute House, Edinburgh, working on final draft of Section 30 letter to Prime Minister Theresa May.”

It is expected tobesent to Downing Street on Friday.

“Indefensib­le and utterly unsustaina­ble to attempt to stand in the way”

Around 62% of Scottish voters backed the UK remaining part of the EU in June 2016 and the SNP manifesto for last year's Holyrood elections made clear another ballot on independen­ce should take place if there were a “material change in circumstan­ces” from the previous ballot in 2014.

The example cited was for Scotland to be removed from the EU against wishes.

Scottish Conservati­ve, Labour and Liberal Democrat politician­s are opposed to another referendum and the Prime Minister has repeatedly said “now is not its the time” for another vote, indicating she will reject the SNP’s preferred timetable.

After the vote in the Scottish Parliament, Ms Sturgeon said she would set out her next steps to Holyrood after the Easter recess if she is rebuffed in the Section30 request.

The vote followed a meeting between Ms Sturgeon andMrsMay in Glasgow on Monday, and came the day before the process for leaving the European Union was formally triggered.

 ??  ?? FINAL DRAFT: The first minister tweeted this picture showing her curled up on a sofa writing the letter
FINAL DRAFT: The first minister tweeted this picture showing her curled up on a sofa writing the letter
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