The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Greens want local say


On May 4, the Scottish Green Party will be fielding more local candidates across the Highlands and Islands than ever before.

These candidates will challenge the status quo, by offering radical solutions to issues faced by their local communitie­s, and will work to put power into the hands of communitie­s.

Greens believe that devolution shouldn’t stop at Holyrood, or at the council chamber, but that decisions should be made at the lowest level appropriat­e.

In many cases, this means that local communitie­s should be empowered to take the decisions that impact them most.

Participat­ory budgeting is a concept that been rolled out in a number of areas across Scotland.

This is where councils set aside a proportion of their budget for local communitie­s to spend on their priorities. Green councillor­s have championed this scheme in Edinburgh, where the ‘ Leith decides’ programme has seen members of the local community decide what schemes should benefit from available funding.

In the Highlands and Islands, community renewable energy schemes are a great example of local people banding together to take advantage of an opportunit­y which benefits the whole community.

But, of course, not every local service can be run by communitie­s, and our local councils need to be funded appropriat­ely to ensure they can provide an acceptable level of service.

Schools, roads and social care are just some of the services we rely on our local councils to provide.

Green MSPs secured an additional £160million in extra funding for Scotland’s local councils during budget negotiatio­ns. That’s more in one budget than the other opposition parties have managed in 10 years of opposition at Holyrood.

Our concession means nearly £18million extra for councils across the Highlands and Islands. This money is already having an impact on local services, with many of our councils reversing previously planned cuts and able to increase funding in some areas.

But, going forward, we need to ensure councils are funded in a fairer way. Flexibilit­y is required, so that councils can levy taxation appropriat­ely to meet local needs.

The current council tax system is broken. It doesn’t work for councils or the public, providing little of the revenue required and heaping the burden on those least able to pay.

Greens have long called for the implementa­tion of a Land Value Tax (LVT) as a fairer way to fund local services. Such a tax would ensure that wealthy land owners paid substantia­lly more than they currently do.

Greens also support local councils having a role in setting business rates. We recently proposed that councils should set half this rate, allowing them to adjust for local circumstan­ces as appropriat­e.

Another recent Green proposal was that of a fiscal framework for local authoritie­s. This would mean that there was an understand­ing between the Scottish Government and councils over how funding would be allocated, much like the current framework that exists between the UK Government and Scottish Government­s.

Such a framework would allow councils to plan over a longer period, rather than the current yearly budget deals which encourage shorttermi­sm and do not encourage preventati­ve spending.

If local government is to work effectivel­y for our communitie­s, it needs to be able to plan ahead. Increasing funding for active travel projects, for instance, can help tackle obesity by encouragin­g walking and cycling, and also reduce instances of heart and respirator­y disease – both associated with air pollution.

Ensuring greater provision of early years’ child care will enable our children to have the best possible start in life and allow parents to return to the work place sooner, boosting our economy and helping to tackle gender inequaliti­es.

These are all things that can be achieved with a longterm outlook, an inclinatio­n to work collaborat­ively when appropriat­e, and a willingnes­s to empower communitie­s when appropriat­e. Green Councillor­s in the Highlands and Islands would embody all these qualities.

Greens support local councils having role setting business rates

 ??  ?? Holyrood should devolve powers to a local level, say Greens
Holyrood should devolve powers to a local level, say Greens

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